Hi Marichu, Like you I was new to BRC last year. We are successful in obtaining BRC in Dec last. These are the two templates that I used for section 3.5.1 Risk assessment of Products and Risk assessment of Services. The auditor was very impressed with them. I hope this helps you in getting BRC. Please feel free to use same. BerBN
Hi BerBN,
Much appreciate yr posting yr Risk Assessment. I liked the overall format.
I have a few comments/queries -
NB – I refer to Risk Assessment Summary as RAS
(1) Sheet RAS – “legality” (a BRC specific requirement) appears not mentioned anywhere ?.
(2) Sheet RAS - how do you determine a single risk value for fraud (from sheet 2) to enter into Cell T5 ?
(3) Sheet RAS – how do you justify the “weighting” of data in cells (U5-Z5) relative to (P5-T5) ? Intuitive ?
(3) Sheet RAS – how do you justify the numerical criteria for Cell A27 ? Intuitive ?
(4) Sheet RAS - how do you proceed if, say, cell R5 = 9 (ie = “Unsatisfactory”) but cell AA5 = 28 (ie = “Satisfactory” ) ?
(I was obliged to separately allow for such “conflicts” in my own RA).
Again, many thks for Posting.