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AIB International

Sponsor Description: AIB International is the trusted bakery training and food safety partner for the global grain-based food and beverage supply chain. Originally founded in 1919 as a technology and information transfer center for bakers and food processors, our original mission to "put science to work for the baker" has expanded yet remains central to our service portfolio. Our mission today is to empower the global food industry to elevate their food safety and grain-based production capabilities. Our staff includes experts in the fields of baking production, experimental baking, cereal science, nutrition, food safety and hygiene. With headquarters in the United States and offices and staff worldwide, we are well positioned to be your partner in the global food chain. We invite you to learn about starting your training, scheduling your site visit, or developing your product solutions today!
Sponsor URL: http://www.aibonline.org
Sponsor Logo: https://www.ifsqn.com/forum/uploads/7c239b057379edc5fbcc9ba52aac2639.gif
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