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The Food Traceability Forum

in IFSQN Events Calendar
Added by Simon, 21 Sep 2004

Taking place 20 Sep 2004 08:00 PM (Single Day Event)


The Food Traceability Forum, 21 Sep 2004, London

With impending legislation on food traceability, GMOs and allergens do you feel equipped to be able to be able to deliver both what the government and your customers demand?

At the Food Traceability Forum you will be able to discuss and debate the issues you face today. At this event you will have the opportunity to join in round table discussions and 'Question Time' style debates. As you can imagine, this style of event attracts very senior people from the world's foremost companies in the food industry to discuss pertinent issues such as:-

- What is the government's viewpoint on food traceability?
- How can we win advantage via food tracing now everyone is being forced to adopt it?
- Who really cares about food safety?
- How can you trace food through every step of the supply chain?
- How can you trace GMOs and allergens?
- What technologies should be adopted?
- What are the leading technologies being promoted by the big players?

Conference programme and booking form (102kb, pdf)

For more information on the event, visit Osney Media's website:

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