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Risk / Hazard analysis in Food traceability

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Posted 15 March 2009 - 05:33 AM

I have to prepare a project on hazard analysis in traceability. It should be a generic model like HACCP or ISO 9001 which can be applicable to any food industry for hazard analysis in traceability process. I am confused how to start it, how to establish and arrange the topics and flow diagrams, while making this project. Can any one help me plz. I wil really appreciate for all of you .



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Posted 15 March 2009 - 08:19 AM

Dear Atique,

Yr project seems a little strange. I think it is more usual to see the requirement reversed, eg describe the necessity and implementation of traceability as related to hazard analysis. ?

There are various “drivers” for organisations to establish traceability systems, of which risk management via hazard analysis / HACCP techniques is one, eg see pg16 of this overview link,


http://www.selamat.n.....ty System.pdf

Also did you know there is a specific ISO standard on traceability (22005). This may help you, eg it includes some generic objectives like -

1. to support food safety

2. to meet customer specification(s);

3. to determine the history or origin of the product;

4. to facilitate the withdrawal and/or recall of products;

5. to identify the responsible organizations in the feed and food chain;

6 . to facilitate the verification of specific information about the product

All these are potential requirements in a HACCP system

Rgds / Charles.C

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Posted 15 March 2009 - 05:13 PM

Hi charles,
Thanks for your reply. Its my project for MSc and my profesor has assigned me this topic. I know there is a lot of work on traceabilty and hazard analysis separately, but i could not find any work on critical analysis in traceability. I talked with my professor and he told me that just make a generic model , that what are the critical points to be taken while doing traceability, or what are the critical points which can effect the traceability process.
I am not understanding how I start it what should be the contents of my project.
That is why I am seeking help from the experts in this forum.

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Madam A. D-tor

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Posted 15 March 2009 - 08:43 PM

Hi Atique,

I am not understanding how I start it what should be the contents of my project.
That is why I am seeking help from the experts in this forum.

Just start with a description of a general traceability system.
What are the objectives/goals? How should it be set up? What are the requirements of a traceability system? Etc.
After that, conduct a hazard identification and a risk analyse. Identifying the points that are a hazard to maintain traceability, e.g. losing identification.

I am sure that your professor also like to see some recommendations or measures to control the hazards.

I hope this is of any help.

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Madam A. D-tor


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Posted 16 March 2009 - 02:13 AM

Dear Atique,

If Madam A. D-tor understands correctly yr requirement, her practical advice makes good sense IMO. In fact the scope of yr project seems same as the (ultra-generic) ISO 22005 standard which I suggest you first consult since it points the way to logically defining / setting up a traceability system. As usual, the actual operational details are left to the user.

This seems a very wide project (!!) or perhaps you are specifically limited to the (safety) risk management objective ? The latter traceability aspect is widely discussed on IT in the context of HACCP of course.

Rgds / Charles.C

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Charles Chew

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Posted 16 March 2009 - 02:51 PM

......hazard analysis in traceability process.

Interesting. Its truly not an easy assignment as admittedly, I have never heard of one being done before. Probably a need to first define the differences between a "risk" and "hazard" before you undertake your next move.

critical analysis in traceability.

Ah! this seems to be a workable assignment where you perform a critical assessment on the effectiveness and efficiency (weaknesses / strength / deficiency) of a traceability system.

Best of luck!

Charles Chew

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Charles Chew


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Posted 16 March 2009 - 03:21 PM

Dear All,
I really appreciate the valuable comments/suggestions, which all of you have given. These wil really help me. I will start my project as Madam and charles told me. Will you guys will help me time by time if you do not mind plz. Madam and charles can you give me your mail addresses plz. Mine e mail is *******

One agan I am really thankful .


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Posted 17 March 2009 - 03:09 PM

Dear Atique,

I suggest you make a preliminary draft of yr presentation (1st stages / particular aspects / whatever) and post it in this thread. There are a lot of specialists here but they may prefer to see a specific document before making comments. This way you maximise yr possibilities. :smile:

It is also not a good idea to leave an email address in a post since spam bots routinely harvest such data and may target you. I hv deleted yr email to prevent this happening.

Rgds / Charles.C

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Posted 05 May 2009 - 04:33 AM

Dear Atique,

With all due respect yr current list of similar topics is becoming confusingly large –

(1) Food Traceability - feb6th – 4posts

(2) Hazard analysis in traceability – march 15th – 8 posts

(3) Food authenticity and traceability – march 29th – 2posts,

(4) Food Authenticity – march 30th – 5 posts

(5) - Risk based approach in food traceability – may 4th – 1 post

I think topic No.5 has already received some relevant replies in topic No.2 (this one) so I hv transferred / copied yr most recent post from (5) (see below) and deleted topic No.5 above. Also slightly adjusted the No. (2) topic title. Hope this is OK for you –

Posted May 4th, 2009-05-05

Hi every one.
I have to prepare a project on risk based approach in food traceability. I posted a topic a month ago, but I have to change the title of my project now.
I have to prepare a comprehensive project on risk based approach in food traceability. In this project I have to describe that what are the critical control points in the traceability process, what kind of risks are associated in the traceability process. I have to submit the project out line. I will be in need of help in my project. Can any one of you please guide me that how to start my project, how should I prepare the project outline. I will really appreciate the help and guidance of you guys.

Rgds / Charles.C

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Posted 12 June 2009 - 09:51 PM

Just a couple of suggestions that might be good to include:

identification of the product and its risk factors once it leaves the plant;
storage requirements for that product - especially during transport;
What sort of records are kept by the company, as hard copy records are kept by many companies, and possibly not kept well, leading to poor traceability.

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