I'm re-doing my risk assessments for BRC 6.
Please have a look at the attached and let me know if I am on the right track.
Thanks in advance,
Dear mgourley,
Thanks for the example.
Basic layout looks similar to the example for “internal audit” in post below (?) so I guess it should be OK for auditors -
http://www.ifsqn.com...dpost__p__56043At the risk of boring people, the basic idea is I think something like –
Activity X is carried out by procedure Y (cols 1,2)
Due to W there may be a problem Z (col.3)
Estimate Risk of W (cols 4-6)
Justify (?

) Estimation and (re-)state the result (col7)
Conclude that current procedure(s) give adequate control therefore no further action required. (actions/decs)
Overall the text seemed quite good to me. Only hv few comments and first 3 are probably influenced by IA example in link above. I also have a tendency to nitpick so apologies in advance if necessary.
(a) Col1 - I would make directly aligned to BRC target parameter if possible. (sometimes not so easy due BRC)
(b) Col.3 - First half of sentence looks suspiciously generic but this may well be intentional with further tables in mind

. Should still get past auditor ok IMO.
© Col.7 – Maybe a little cursory, eg compare to IA example, but either way the net result is a subjective opinion so why not? (I guess it may also depend on how much scope for auditor comment you are willing to risk).
(d) Personally I find the terminologies “Probability / Significance” as used in the matrix / table not nice but there is definitely no absolute standard for such items.
(e) Deriving from [d], I’m also not enthusiastic regarding “ high severity of risk” or “low probability of risk” (latter would be unobjectionable if table used more conventional terms)
Of course, there are a variety of ways of doing these RAs however the type of hazard does sometimes dictate the easiest way to present the RA. It seems to me that in most cases, BRC are not expecting anything much more than a skeletal offering. I guess one should act accordingly.
I don't recall anyone yet posting that their RA was rejected.?
I’m curious as to yr previous design ? Maybe interesting to compare ?
Rgds / Charles.C
PS - One more thought, it is maybe more accurate to change the heading on the "Risks" column to "Hazard"
PPS - illustration above comments, not a criticism, just an alternative.
Rev2 - risk assessment layout - Sample RA.pdf 25.63KB