Does somebody know if there are special requirements regarding the temperature of refrigeration of RTE-cooked meat products in the US and Europe?
Posted 07 April 2014 - 02:24 PM
Does somebody know if there are special requirements regarding the temperature of refrigeration of RTE-cooked meat products in the US and Europe?
Posted 07 April 2014 - 02:40 PM
Does somebody know if there are special requirements regarding the temperature of refrigeration of RTE-cooked meat products in the US and Europe?
Dear LPali,
Europe is a mighty wide scope !! And so is "refrigeration".
I assume you mean retail-oriented products for my EU response.
AFAIK, within USA the requirements are set by USDA/FSIS.
Generally, for both cases, Yes there are.
Within Europe, AFAIK the requirements are set for EU Community via EC directives for relevant countries.
But individual countries, even within EU, always retain some version of "sovereign right" which enables "re-interpretation" of many (all?) EC regulations.
There are an uncountable number of threads on this forum which expand the above comments.
You almost certainly need to focus what you mean by "Europe" for a meaningful question. And also what stage in a process you are referring to with respect to "refrigeration". And possibly what you mean by "meat".
Rgds / Charles.C
Kind Regards,
Posted 07 April 2014 - 02:44 PM
Wow, indeed I was very broad. I meant the refrigeration after the product is produced and therefore cold-stored in the company and cold-stored once in the retailer. Concerning Europe, my company operates in different European countries like Holland, Italy, Hungary and Germany so I was guessing if there are general EC Regulations concerning this issue or I would have to check them for each of the countries.
Posted 07 April 2014 - 02:45 PM
I forgot, the product are sausages of different types of meat.
Posted 07 April 2014 - 02:56 PM
Wow, indeed I was very broad. I meant the refrigeration after the product is produced and therefore cold-stored in the company and cold-stored once in the retailer. Concerning Europe, my company operates in different European countries like Holland, Italy, Hungary and Germany so I was guessing if there are general EC Regulations concerning this issue or I would have to check them for each of the countries.
I assume you are referring to Food Safety.
you omitted to answer what meat ? which may be relevant. (added - OK, just saw post, sausages is probably workable)
For processing, a sampler here -
Rgds / Charles.C
Kind Regards,
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