Hello again!
I've been preparing for our first BRC audit Packaging Standard Issue#4 for sometime now and decided to use this approach. We have programs and documentation systems in place that should be sufficient for this audit although nothing has ever been done to 'tie' it together as one system.
So I've chosen to write a full Food Packaging Safety and Quality Manual based on the BRC standards/Self assessment. I've taken the self assessment and gone through each and every section, could some of you with experience let me know if this sounds like an efficient approach. Below is an example of one section:
1.3-Organizational structure, responsibilities and management authority
Statement of Intent: The company shall have a clear organizational structure and define the responsibilities, reporting relationships and job functions of those personnel whose activities affect product safety, legality, regulatory compliance and quality.
1.3.1- Organizational Structure
Organizational Chart which defines all management’s responsibilities (attached)
Document: Org Chart
Location: HACCP Manual, ******* FS drive
Review Frequency: Annual- reviewed during HACCP review- Scheduled through MicroMain CMMS Software
Reviewed by: Programs Specialist
Record Retained: HACCP Manual in PS office
This is the format I have used throughout the entire manual, I have attached examples in the appendix for each section, with further documentation available for review of constistacy etc.