The president of our company wrote this prior to our auditor arriving for our BRC audit. Name of auditor replaced with *
A Visit from St. ____
With apologies to; Clement Clarke Moore
'Twas the night before BRC, when all through the shop
All the workers were hopping they were ready to drop;
Procedures were vetted, and double checked with care,
In hopes that St. * soon would be there;
The workers were confident, secure in their heads;
While visions of process danced ‘cause of their meds;
And JP in his office, and I to my sorrow,
Had just settled our brains for the audit tomorrow,
When out in the plant there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my desk to see what the f*** was the matter.
Away to the warehouse I flew like a flash,
Tore into the plant - JP even dropped his stash.
The lights with their glint of shatter resistant glass,
Gave a lustre of twilight to inventory below,
When what to my wondering eyes did appear,
But a semi of milk powder; Meals-on-Wheels stuff ready to go.
There was the auditor, Mr. * the name.