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Looking for a good show to watch?

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Mr. Incognito

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 12:21 PM

If you're stuck like me in the middle of some of the best TV you've ever watched (For me I'm waiting for new episodes of Dr. Who, Game of Thrones, and The Walking Dead).  Check out The 100 (it might just be 100) on Netflix.  Great show!


The show is on the Sci-Fi side where, believed by the people in the beginning of season 1, all of the people on earth went into space to survive, what I believe to be, nuclear war.  They stay on a unified space station until something happens where they need to find out if Earth is survivable.


They are currently in the middle of season 2 so only season 1 is on Netflix. 



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Posted 03 December 2014 - 01:28 PM

I dont watch a ton of TV but I saw the preview for this and it looked really good. Just haven't had the time to sit down and watch any of it!


My Netflix vice is OITNB.  (Its a girl thing - maybe?) The only show that I watch religiously is Ancient Aliens! I am addicted!

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Mr. Incognito

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 02:29 PM

I've never watched Orange... It didn't really appeal to me.


I saw an ancient aliens show... is there more than one?  It was pretty cool.  There was another show I saw on TV if you like aliens I'll have to get the name of it.  It showed, what looked like, structures on the moon and stuff from astronauts that said they saw something following them on the moon. 


The 100 is really good check it out sometime :doctor:

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Mr. Incognito


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 02:38 PM

I pretty much only watch H2 - Which is where all those extraterrestrial shows live. Ancient Aliens is on like the 7th or 8th season! There are a few other shows like that I'll tune into also, Ancient Impossible, In search of Aliens, America Unearthed (Oh yeah, and Stan Lee's Superhumans - which is totally a cool show, that I highly recommend to anyone!!)


I only got into Orange because a girl I knew from HS got cast in the second season. I watched the episode she was in - then got addicted  and had to go back and watch from the beginning. It is a pretty obscene show, not exactly for the faint of heart or the prude, but it isnt anything thats been done before and its based on true events.


Ill check out 100, now that it's got Mr. I's seal of approval!

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 02:43 PM

I dont watch a ton of TV but I saw the preview for this and it looked really good. Just haven't had the time to sit down and watch any of it!


My Netflix vice is OITNB.  (Its a girl thing - maybe?) The only show that I watch religiously is Ancient Aliens! I am addicted!


I dressed as Red for Halloween. REALLY loved how the second season ended!  I don't do Ancient Aliens, but I have too much TV to watch, which leaves no time for books or the internet.  I watch TWD, GoT, S.H.I.E.L.D, Gotham, Sleepy Hollow (pure silliness). Peaky Blinders is my new Netflix show. (Cillian Murphy!)


I would like to watch Arrow and the Flash but I feel like I am watching too much TV as it is.

Edited by Setanta, 03 December 2014 - 02:43 PM.

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Mr. Incognito

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 02:48 PM

I pretty much only watch H2 - Which is where all those extraterrestrial shows live. Ancient Aliens is on like the 7th or 8th season! There are a few other shows like that I'll tune into also, Ancient Impossible, In search of Aliens, America Unearthed (Oh yeah, and Stan Lee's Superhumans - which is totally a cool show, that I highly recommend to anyone!!)


I only got into Orange because a girl I knew from HS got cast in the second season. I watched the episode she was in - then got addicted  and had to go back and watch from the beginning. It is a pretty obscene show, not exactly for the faint of heart or the prude, but it isnt anything thats been done before and its based on true events.


Ill check out 100, now that it's got Mr. I's seal of approval!


Anyone who has ever watched Game of Thrones can't be squeamish during any show.  There is so much... of everything... on that show.

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 02:53 PM

I dressed as Red for Halloween. REALLY loved how the second season ended!  I don't do Ancient Aliens, but I have too much TV to watch, which leaves no time for books or the internet.  I watch TWD, GoT, S.H.I.E.L.D, Gotham, Sleepy Hollow (pure silliness). Peaky Blinders is my new Netflix show. (Cillian Murphy!)


I would like to watch Arrow and the Flash but I feel like I am watching too much TV as it is.


Red is a badass! That is SO COOL!  I like how the season ended too, (I was really hating on V - and was glad Maria ran her over!

I would watch Peaky Blinders just for Cillian Murphey, ugh... those eyes!!  :sleazy:

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Edited by it_rains_inside, 03 December 2014 - 02:55 PM.

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 04:57 PM

Game of Thrones...24...Tyrant...The Bridge...Heroes (season 1 the other seasons are rubbish)...The Blacklist

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Mr. Incognito

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 05:05 PM

I thought Heroes season 2 was ok but I agree 3 was garbage.  So much promise for that show it was sad to watch it die.

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Mr. Incognito


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 05:29 PM

Why yes, I *have* been looking for a new show to watch...Going through my list of classics and running up shorter and shorter


I wanted to like 100, but I was afraid it would "Jericho" me and I'd loose a season or two of life...maybe I'll try again.  Some of the acting and dialogue were just...too bad for me.


Love OITNB,  Instead of Heroes I prefer Misfits (which is excellent), been rewatching all of The Sporanos, the Wire, Rome, Dr. Katz, Home Movies, Metalocalypse, first 8 seasons of the Simpsons, Bob's Burgers, Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock Presents (OMG the one with the car lighter bet), Wonderfalls, Dead Like Me, Twin Peaks ... etc


David Lynch is making another season of Twin Peaks!!!

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 05:42 PM

Cant wait for twin peaks!

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 05:43 PM

Oooh speaking of animated series, I love Archer. It is very WRONG, but, well that's how I roll. And Rome reminded me of Deadwood.  (such creative swearing!)

Edited by Setanta, 03 December 2014 - 05:44 PM.

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Mr. Incognito

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Posted 03 December 2014 - 05:51 PM

Why yes, I *have* been looking for a new show to watch...Going through my list of classics and running up shorter and shorter


I wanted to like 100, but I was afraid it would "Jericho" me and I'd loose a season or two of life...maybe I'll try again.  Some of the acting and dialogue were just...too bad for me.


Love OITNB,  Instead of Heroes I prefer Misfits (which is excellent), been rewatching all of The Sporanos, the Wire, Rome, Dr. Katz, Home Movies, Metalocalypse, first 8 seasons of the Simpsons, Bob's Burgers, Twilight Zone, Alfred Hitchcock Presents (OMG the one with the car lighter bet), Wonderfalls, Dead Like Me, Twin Peaks ... etc


David Lynch is making another season of Twin Peaks!!!


I've never watched Jericho so I'm not sure how it's used as an adjective.  I think 100 is pretty good.  There are no stars in the cast but I think the story is pretty good and it's entertaining.  I could have watched the whole first season in a day.

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Mr. Incognito


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Posted 03 December 2014 - 09:57 PM

Oh, Archer is a good one, Venture Bros too.  Deadwood has the *best* swearing!  :roflmao: Also really a fantastic show.


Jericho and the 100 reminded of almost the same show - but I only watched a couple episodes of the 100. 


It's the same guys who did Lost, no? Now I'm gonna have to rewatch it with a more forgiving attitude. 


Also - TWD - WOMG we have to wait until Feb?  Not. Cool.


I was thinking about revisiting Firefly, it's been ages....


Edit: I forgot, Black-ish , the League (declining), It's Always Sunny (they're so ****ed up) and of course, American Horror Story (it's just so ridiculous), Mad Men (AMC pulling another air half a season, wait 6 months marketing ploy)

Edited by magenta_majors, 04 December 2014 - 11:39 AM.

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Posted 04 December 2014 - 05:48 PM

I'm a little more off-beat in my viewing choices.  I'm addicted to The Deadliest Catch.  I really enjoy Mysteries at the Museum on The Travel Channel.  I've gotten into the Curse of Oak Island on History Channel.  I used to watch Haven, but I lost track of a season so I now have no idea what's going on.  Warehouse 13 was a favorite of mine, but they have completed it and will not make more.  I recommend that you watch re-runs if you can find them, a few are on the SyFy web site.  I'm considering buying the series on DVD.  Eureka was great too.


I was a fan of Dirty Jobs, and now watch Somebody's Gotta Do It on CNN.  What can I say?  I love to hear Mike Rowe's voice.  Did you know that he sang with the Baltimore Opera for a short time?  He grew up very near to where I grew up (though much later) and is a huge fan of Baltimore.


Love my TiVo, I get to watch my favorite shows at my convenience and fast forward through the commercials.



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Posted 04 December 2014 - 08:24 PM

I couldn’t never take to the 100 - too teenagery and too implausible and poorly executed (IMHO). Breaking Bad was terrific and I can highly recommend Rectify. Game of Thrones, Walking dead - brilliant TV. I don’t watch much free to air nowadays and being down under I hear of a lot of great shows but there is only one way to watch them, arrrgggghhhh. Sci-Fi and non-main stream TV is treated very poorlyhere  as there just isn’t the population to support niche shows.

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Mr. Incognito

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Posted 04 December 2014 - 08:35 PM

Well The 100 does air on the CW which is a network that puts out teen shows... but while it does follow the children it also follows the adults and I think it's a decent show.. maybe not everyone's cup of tea.

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Mr. Incognito


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Posted 29 December 2014 - 08:36 PM

Just binged Season 1 and Season 2a of The 100. It was good except I felt a bit guilty when I REALLY wanted some of those kids to DIE.

I watch way too much TV anyway started naming my kids after TV characters.

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Posted 29 December 2014 - 09:00 PM

Good suggestions

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Posted 29 December 2014 - 09:21 PM

being down under I hear of a lot of great shows but there is only one way to watch them, arrrgggghhhh. Sci-Fi and non-main stream TV is treated very poorlyhere  as there just isn’t the population to support niche shows.

What's the one way to watch them?  On the internet, right?   Or is there a special TV channel for "not Australian"?  Does the BBC have special "not UK" shows?


In the US I haven't had a "TV" or cable connection for about a decade now; I watch tv & movies constantly from my PC.   But I'm curious as to what other countries do.  I know a lot of time IP addresses are blocked based on their country, but you can change the country associated with your IP address pretty easily (I was able to watch UK Only Misfits that way) .   I've always been able to find everything I want online and free.   That's common practice abroad, right?   Or are Americans the only filthy pirates out there?

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Posted 29 December 2014 - 09:43 PM

Oh no Americans are not the only "filthy" pirates. Us Aussies have a very well deserved reputation for being the worse downloaders in the world. Hence my arrrgggghhhh comment above - I'm a pirate you see. We have 5 main free to air TV stations who also have control of secondary digital stations as well as their own TV shopping networks which are wll and truely blocked in our house! All these TV stations and nothing to watch.


They put on a genre TV show which I want to watch - it lasts 6 weeks if its lucky at 8.30pm. It gets pulled and then put on at some ungodly hour, thank you PVR. Then it gets pulled again never to be seen or to be seen only if you watch the TV guides like a hawk. We have a payTV service - Foxtel that bought the rights to Game of Thrones - its not screened on FTA. You have to get foxtel, and pay $80 a month for other channels you dont want to get GOT.


I rarely watch FTA nowadays its all PVR or d/l from the net which we then watch on our TV when we want to watch sans the adds etc.


Netflix is about to start up in Australia early next year - if thats about $10-20 a month then I will serioulsy consider it providing they have the shows we want to watch. The shows I have to pirate becasue you cant get them on FTA are shows like Helix, Defiance(was on FTA but pulled) Grimm - Now on FTA but a season behind, Haven - 3 seasons behind on FTA here. Walking Dead - on Foxtel or 2 seasons behing on FTA Lost Girl - 2 seasons behind on FTA. Game of Thrones - locked up on Foxtel - pay for pay TV and still get the adds.


I dont D/L movies - I prefer to see them in the cinema - or buy the DVD/Bluray for my collection, I liek to have a physcal copy - not a digital copy. And I still buy music as well. I will D/L to see if I like it if I dont its deleted if I do I go out an buy the CD - never from Itunes becasue you never really own it!  I have no issues D/L TV shows - any I like I tend to buy the box sets when the series ends...

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Posted 29 December 2014 - 10:11 PM

Try Hinterland! New series starts 1/1/15, but in welsh!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Posted 30 December 2014 - 12:15 PM

. We have a payTV service - Foxtel that bought the rights to Game of Thrones - its not screened on FTA. You have to get foxtel, and pay $80 a month for other channels you dont want to get GOT.


Netflix is about to start up in Australia early next year -


I liek to have a physcal copy - not a digital copy. And I still buy music as well. I will D/L to see if I like it if I dont its deleted if I do I go out an buy the CD - never from Itunes becasue you never really own it!  I have no issues D/L TV shows - any I like I tend to buy the box sets when the series ends...

Ah, that's like our HBO.  Good to know we're all human here


Get. Netflix.  I can't even believe you don't have that.  I now think of Australia as a 3rd world country instead of full of handsome alcoholics.  :eek_yello:  .  Maybe both now.  My world view! Destroyed!  Netflix is akin to google, wikipedia, and youtube in terms of "essential sites"


Ah, I like to have physical copies of media, but I need digital ... my tapes don't sound right anymore, my CDs from the 90's have CD rot ... I had all of the Cravats and Dee Dee King :crybaby: ... Never would buy from itunes though, that's for crazy people.  Also if a band I like is in town I go and buy a record or t shirt and of course the tickets and booze.  Or if there's a good video game I like and it's a one time buy this you own it, then I'll buy that.  nothing really compares to opening a sweet box set with crazy little books inside and then listening all the way through while wearing the most offensive thsirt they had...and I'm sure my neighbors also like that :)

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Posted 30 December 2014 - 01:03 PM

I think I love you, Magenta! 

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Posted 30 December 2014 - 02:37 PM

Or if there's a good video game I like and it's a one time buy this you own it, then I'll buy that.

Magenta, I also like the music from my favorite video games.  I have almost all of the sound tracks from the Blizzard games and expansions, only missing the current expansion.  There's some awesome music in the good games, enough that there are concerts of video game music.










This is my idea of good traveling music.  Unfortunately, it's not included in any of the sound tracks, but someone took it out of the game and put it onto You Tube.  So I play it as I get ready to go home from work.   :happydance:


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