Charles, The facility conducts a review of the HACCP program annually or as changes (e.g. products or process) occur:
- Records are available
- Records are kept one year or two times the shelf life of the products, whichever is longer or as defined by regulator requirement.
This is listed a critical requirement of AIB. I don't know what the version or year of this standard I'm looking at is but it can't be too old. (just checked online and it's the same as the current version if they have versions)
So long as you are continuing to completely satisfy taking care of your HACCP plan including performing the annual review by your HACCP team (having a HACCP team is the first of the 12 steps of HACCP) you don't NEED to continue having AIB audit your facility. However, some places choose to continue having AIB come yearly because they look at a very narrow "area" and look at it thoroughly. Our Corporate level food safety team has decided to continue having AIB audit us for that reason.
I don't know what SIRIM is so I can't really comment on that.
So the long and the short of my message:
AIB is a self contained auditing body. AIB does not directly influence BRC at all. You don't have to be AIB certified to be BRC certified. You can drop AIB and continue properly with BRC.
Please ask if you have any more questions. 
Edited by Mr. Incognito, 17 February 2015 - 12:42 PM.