I'm looking for help for the following question below for the PrimusGFS v2.1 audit I have a Haccp plan in place for my packinghouse house and food security plan. I'm just trying to figure out if anyone knows if this could be related to the food security plan or if I need a separate risk assessment for compliance. Any help would be great. Thanks
2.27.08: Has a documented risk assessment been performed to ensure that any food safety hazards relevant to facility location and adjacent land use are identified and controlled?
Total compliance (10 points): There should be a documented risk assessment for the facility to identify and control and food safety hazards relevant to facility location and adjacent land use e.g. animal activity, industrial activity, waste water treatment sites (settling ponds, land applications, etc.) or any other potential sources of contamination. All national and local laws pertaining to land use and on-site water treatment systems should be followed. Where necessary, for waste water treatment areas, there should be applicable permits on file and evidence of regulatory and/or third party inspections.