Hi There,
I am looking for some information regarding the clause 3.1.3 in issue 7 of the global standard and I was hoping someone would be able to help.
The company I have been employed by (a Chinese company producing dumplings in Scotland) have very little understanding of English and written English. I have been chucked into the deep end as I am the only person who speaks fluent English in the company and they want me to have a go at implementing the things that were brought up in the GAP analysis.
I have no experience whatsoever in the field of health and safety but I am slowly getting my head around it all. To make matters worse, they have put a deadline of July for me to have it finished and dedicated me to this 9-5, 5 days a week.
I am breaking it down piece by piece and the IFSQN forums have been a lifesaver!!
I have a lot of info gathered and I am trying to piece it all together in the section overviews.
I decided to start on section 3. Already on section 3.1.3 I am stuck.
In the GAP analysis, It says:
G / O
All procedures and work instructions shall be clearly legible, unambiguous, in appropriate languages and sufficiently detailed to enable their correct application by appropriate staff. This shall include the use of photographs, diagrams or other pictorial instructions where written communication alone is not sufficient (e.g. there are issues of literacy or foreign language.
Pictorial instructions where staff do not understand the language?
How could I go about implementing this?
We have 4 Chinese people and a Polish person all working on the factory floor with no or very little understanding of english. The factory manager is Hungarian and understands English and fills out all of the daily/weekly/monthly checks etc.
Sorry for the long message
If anyone could help at all, I would really appreciate it
Many Thanks