Hi All,
In view of the frequent queries regarding BRC7’s Sections (, on Raw Material Risk assessment / Supplier Approval I have assembled the attached example to try and illustrate a possible workflow via combining 2 previous posts and adding/generating some numbers.
Further details and the original sourced posts are included - linked within the following Excel file(see Sheets 0,1,2 etc) -
BRC7-3.5-Raw Material Risk Assessment 3.0a.xls 45.5KB
(above is current version of file as of 14/05/2016)
Comments welcome as usual, especially if Excel errors spotted.
PS - in respect to permutations available relating to the mechanics of supplier audit/certification, these 2 fairly recent threads contain some quite useful comments IMO -
PPS - some additional comments/info -
(1) The procedure illustrated in attached Excel uses a combination of raw material risk factors related to (a) the process HACCP Plan, (b) the VA of the Raw Material, (c) the Quality/Legality of the finished product.
(2) The risk values in (a) are assumed to be interpreted via a decision tree such as shown in this link –
(3) The overall raw material risk status (RMR) as given by Sheet 1 of Excel may determine the audit frequency for maintenance of Approved Supplier Status. Some BRC6 examples from a Procedure by Tony are given here –
(4) Similarly the RMR may also influence the monitoring frequency for acceptance control at raw material reception. The cumulative results of the latter can subsequently provide feedback for item (3).
Examples of an ultra-basic Sampling Procedure and a BRC Guideline document follow -
Incoming Raw Material Sampling Program.png 393.72KB
BRC6 - Introduction to Acceptance Procedure Raw materials.pdf 3.52MB
P3S - I should add although it's probably obvious that the Risk score values used in the various Excel columns refer to those specific "hazards" found to generate the highest risk values for the particular raw material other than that derived from the Vulnerability Assessment which is effectively an averaged datum.
P4S (260816) - Word document below contains some additional Forum links/threads on RA/VA which I found useful.
Additional useful RA-VA forum threads RV.1.doc 24.5KB
Edited by Charles.C, 26 August 2016 - 02:17 AM.
added P4S/Word document