My company recently were audited against BRC storage and distribution we received a minor non conformance because none of the team had been trained in internal auditing. I am due to do BRC internal auditing training in the next few months 2 day course, I would much appreciate if I could get some information on audit checklist or any information regarding what I should know before the course.
Regards Kevin
Hi Kevin,
I'm surprised you didn't need to generate an IA checklist for yr first audit.?
I was unable to locate a checklist for version 3. (The BRC website seems to have now been "updated" into a rather non-friendly site as far as downloadable material is concerned. Strange.)
Here is a self-assessment checklist for version 2 (2010) -
BRC storage and distribution,issue 2,self-assessment tool.doc 768.5KB
(basically a "reverse-engineering" of the Standard - a minimal approach for implementing an IA)
A gaplist to illustrate the additional requirements for version3 is available here .
PS - you may find this older BRC document interesting -
BRC6 - Introduction to Internal Audits.pdf 4.13MB