- (this is easy) We just use this simple statement... "The Prerequisite and Food Safety Programs are closesly monitored by Management. Programs are modified when necessary to maintain effectiveness. - The procedure I like to use is our Prerequisite & Food Safety Education procedure. This procedure covers everything in this point. - Along with the procedure above, I also show them our Dept of Ag license as well as our FDA registration. - This is simply defining the responsibilities of management and employees and then designating alternates in the case that the manager is absent. I don't use specific names when defining responsibilites (ex. John is responsible for training). I use job positions instead (ex. Safety Manager is responsible for training). Same with regular employees... No names, just job positions.
Just a quick note... We have not yet had our inspection under the new standards that were just released, so I may find out that the above may need to be adjusted a bit. However, I don't believe they changed much in this area of the standard. Attached are documents I use. I'm also going to attach my "AIB Worksheet" that I use to prepare for AIB and also use during the inspection. This worksheet has all of the standards from the 2017 AIB Consolidated Standards for Inspection: Food Distribution Centers.