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A desperate plea to UK retailers

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Posted 25 September 2017 - 03:50 PM

I am currently on page 40 of an internal audit against metal detector codes of practice.  Page 40.  I've still got about a third to go at and if I'm honest, I don't audit against some of our smaller customer requirements because I need a life.  I've been at most of the day and I'm nowhere near finished.


This is someone who managed to complete 8 (good quality) BRC audits on sections x.1, x.2 etc in one day.  Do you know why it is?  Most retailers decide to say the same thing in slightly different language.  One retailer COP on the subject is 19 pages long.  Another is 30 pages long.


If there are any UK retailers out there reading, for my sanity, please stop.


There are better ways to do this.  I would cite Morrisons (however on metal detection not even they do this) but why not have "BRC plus" or if the BRC standard is lacking in detail (which, to be fair it is on metal detection) why not get together and work on some basic wording for a metal detector bolt on?


But ANYTHING is better than this ridiculous wading through of paper.  I could cry.  Also please, please sit down together and agree what is "right"!  If I comply with all of one requirement on placement of pieces, I will be in contravention of another code of practice.




I like to treat every retailer like they can feel like they're my own.  But please excuse me when I say YOU ARE NOT MY ONLY CONCERN! 

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Posted 25 September 2017 - 09:09 PM

I think we have lost our way. Are the additional requirements in these retail food standards improving food safety? After all wasn't plain and simple HACCP sufficient mission critical space missions,





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Posted 26 September 2017 - 07:20 AM

I think we have lost our way. Are the additional requirements in these retail food standards improving food safety? After all wasn't plain and simple HACCP sufficient mission critical space missions,






Are they improving metal detector practices?  Maximum 20% of the COP content is doing that, the remaining 80% seems to be there just to catch you out at audit.  What I find frustrating is retailers obviously copying each others COPs then changing some wording not appreciating that it then means I need to go through every single COP one by one.  When you supply some of the smaller UK retailers as well, I end up having to accept that I do not audit against their COP to keep my sanity but that then makes them mad...


I do wonder if I'm done for Technical because this kind of crap just leads to complete inefficiency and I am fed up to the back teeth of technical personnel working for major retailers who have only ever held very junior positions in the food industry if they've worked in it at all.  Go through my pain then tell me what to do!  FFS.  I even went to see the writer of a COP at a very major retailer in the UK.  Once I explained to him how he'd made some mistakes vs. the legislation he admitted he didn't know much about the subject!  Oh.  My.  God.  Please.  These people have no idea they are collectively costing the UK food industry millions for something they know nothing about!  :crybaby:


Genuinely one of the COP insists not just that all engineers but ALL engineering contractors should be trained in HACCP.  I will find a way to "tick the box" but you can bet your ass if I went to see our Engineering Manager and asked him to make sure all contractors installing IT cabling, putting up white wall, undertaking floor repairs or our pest contractor has a minimum of HACCP level 1, he will laugh at me and tell me to get a life.  I'm not saying these activities shouldn't be controlled but that's why we have preassessment, supervision, a Technical team... :doh:

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Posted 26 September 2017 - 09:06 AM

It's going to be about 57 pages long.  :angry2:


That's a day and a half of my life I could have spent more profitably.

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Posted 30 September 2017 - 03:28 PM



retailer are not copying in some cases. e.g. tests are slightly modified and different (e.g. in order of placing the test pieces) and auditors awaiting that we are applying their procedure while producing their products. We have decided many years ago the we are applying one method for all productions at any time. Our argumentation is one FSM - one risk assessment - one procdure at any time - one training and routine for our employees. Once we receive a new procedure we are checking whether this will improve our system or not. If not we stick to the existing. Consequence is that we get minors in some audits because the auditor does not document the effectiveness of the procedurem but document a deviation from retailer x standard.


A second point we have observed: A cooperation between retailer and a certain equipment manufaturer which IMO are writing the major part of the CoP. In consequence once this has been published the new requirement has to be adopted to older equiment, e,g, special type of fail safe checks. O wonder, the "cooperative" company is able to provide upgrades. But many other not. I have found that they are not informed on new requirements.





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Posted 10 October 2017 - 11:21 AM

 We have decided many years ago the we are applying one method for all productions at any time. Our argumentation is one FSM - one risk assessment - one procdure at any time - one training and routine for our employees.


Yes that's what we do and one UK retailer actually insists you do so but some of the codes of practice are contradictory!

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