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Establishing the International Standard for Food Service

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Posted 16 August 2018 - 07:31 AM

Dear all
Do you think that Establishing the International Standard for Quality management system like ISO, HACCP for Food Service is necessary ? Is this thing too cumbersome for Food Service?
If yes, which standard is best suited?


Thank you


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Posted 16 August 2018 - 02:14 PM

Food Service Operations can vary from a Major distributor to a full-service restaurants, fast food outlets, caterers, some cafeterias, and other places that prepare, serve, and sell food to the general public for a profit.


Establishing an International Standard for Quality management system at a Food Service is usually a business decision that is driven most commonly by your customers. A good Quality Management system helps you to detect, prevent and mitigate/eliminate the risk and hazards involved with the Safety and Quality of your products that you are supplying to your customers. Conducting a Hazard Analysis is necessary to ascertain that the entity have controlled the known Hazards associated to the products that they are directly supplying its customers (for example Temperature control, Allergen Management, etc).


I am not aware of any regulation in your region, however, in USA (post FSMA implementation) there are many regulations that are now imposed on Food Handlers and Food Distributors, that were not checked previously, as part of the Supply chain program/Farm to Fork ideology (Sanitary Transportation is one example). 



Is this thing too cumbersome for Food Service? Yes, it can be sometimes cumbersome, as Food Service handles multiple products at the same time and every product brings its own hazards. However, most of these hazards should be handled by the supplier/processor of the product, so you will need to have a good Supplier approval program (which relates to a good QMS, as mentioned above).


If yes, which standard is best suited? It can vary for every business to make a decision which standard they want to adapt. It is sometimes driven by customer's requirement, sometimes Industry, and other factors related to the operations of the business itself. 

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Montana Milling Inc

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Posted 16 August 2018 - 03:29 PM

I don't think its to cumbersome.  It would be of tremendous benefit to customers for them to know that sanitation and food preparation meet a standard.   

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Benjamin Wild

Quality & Safety Manger, Montana Milling, Inc.


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Posted 17 August 2018 - 09:17 AM

IMPOV: the problem is the food safety. One problem can have several solutions, e.g. ISO, HACCP, SQF,etc. The implementation and/or certification of those standards/solutions could be the assurance of food safety, maybe in large scale as entire supply chain. 
Which standard/solution is best suited? FSQA already mentioned. I just give a comparative example. Imagine you have many routes from your home to work, which way do you choose? The shortest? The one with least traffic-jam? The most convenient with supermarkets/stores? It's a matter of choice.


Dear all
Do you think that Establishing the International Standard for Quality management system like ISO, HACCP for Food Service is necessary ? Is this thing too cumbersome for Food Service?
If yes, which standard is best suited?


Thank you


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