hello everyone ,
we have the flow of staff that crosses the flow of finished products knowing that we have set up surveillance cameras (for the vulnerability clause) is that it will be acceptable with the BRC ?
thank you
Posted 09 October 2018 - 08:21 AM
hello everyone ,
we have the flow of staff that crosses the flow of finished products knowing that we have set up surveillance cameras (for the vulnerability clause) is that it will be acceptable with the BRC ?
thank you
Posted 09 October 2018 - 04:35 PM
Someone is actually watching the cameras 24/7?
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Posted 09 October 2018 - 05:52 PM
You cannot possibly be asked to change the layout of the plant, but you do need to ensure you've got mitigation measures in place
So, is foot ware washed in and out..........hands washed upon entry exit.......
What sort of speed in the product travelling at and is it in it's finished package at this point etc etc etc
Please stop referring to me as Sir/sirs
Posted 09 October 2018 - 06:46 PM
Someone is actually watching the cameras 24/7?
not really , that is why i don't know actually to manage it
Posted 09 October 2018 - 06:51 PM
so give us so more detail
what does your flow actually look like
Please stop referring to me as Sir/sirs
Posted 09 October 2018 - 06:56 PM
You cannot possibly be asked to change the layout of the plant, but you do need to ensure you've got mitigation measures in place
So, is foot ware washed in and out..........hands washed upon entry exit.......
What sort of speed in the product travelling at and is it in it's finished package at this point etc etc etc
yes , all measures are included (stuff cleaning, the food is finished ) but i'm afraid we woud have a vulnerability problem with the cross of stuff and the finish product don't you think ?
Posted 09 October 2018 - 07:16 PM
you mean employees intentionally tampering with product?
If you really think you have a problem, then you need to change employee flow.......
Please stop referring to me as Sir/sirs
Thanked by 1 Member:
Posted 09 October 2018 - 07:16 PM
yes , all measures are included (stuff cleaning, the food is finished ) but i'm afraid we woud have a vulnerability problem with the cross of stuff and the finish product don't you think ?
Yes, you do have a vulnerability problem. The scope of the problem, however, depends on your product and process. More details are needed.
Thanked by 1 Member:
Posted 09 October 2018 - 07:49 PM
Yes, you do have a vulnerability problem. The scope of the problem, however, depends on your product and process. More details are needed.
our product is the margarin , the finish product will be in a container then in carton ,the stuff would come cross with the pallet truck that contain all the carton box's, which kind of vulnerability problem could we have , please.
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