We are currently unable to post the audit scheme. I would like to share some of the experience, at least.
The audit was scheduled for 3 days 9.5 hrs/day, this is not enough time for the completion of the expectations of the depth of detail that is being requested. We only completed 54% of the audit at the close on day 3. We had a surveillance auditor (SA) that was to review our auditor to certify his ability to audit to the scheme.
The initial expectations from the opening meeting was that there would not be any input from the SA, this was not the case. As the audit progressed, our auditor would ask for x quantity of document and the SA would tell him to extend it further, 2 weeks became 3 months, 3 months became 1 year.
This continued throughout the audit and accelerated to the SA providing interpretations to our auditor for the scheme. There were even points where the SA directly asked us for information, and then shared it with the auditor, with explaining to the auditor how to answer the question. On the other hand, when we asked for clarification, we were told to reach out to TJ for information.
As we are a ready to eat product, we had a swabbing performed by the auditor and the SA. The SA provided guidance and even targeted sites for the swabbing.
We feel that this was not an audit, but a fact finding mission and training session. We will be responsible for the cost of the audit, auditors expenses for the audit, additional expenses on our end to support our team.
The audit scheme is evolving since the release in June (first release was v1 the current was v11 released 10/9/18), there have been revisions, some just verbiage, some level of non conformance in the scheme and other issues "corrected". There is a minor amount of interpretation provided to the auditor, but none to the auditee's.
On the whole, we felt the auditor was qualified to run an audit, but was not allowed by the Surveillance Auditor who was part of the consultant team to Trader Joes to assist in writing the scheme.
FYI, there was no NC report provided at the end of the audit, only discussion, and we should receive the completed report in 20-30 days.