You are right. I had an interview with this place 2 years ago and I thought they are high risk due to nature of products that they produce. In the interview, the Tech Manager told me that they are medium risk not high risk. It is all I know. Maybe they produce children food as well.
I hope I can move there as I found working as a QA at high risk factory that does not have a clear guideline for out of spec microbes put a qa job at risk. High risk is crazy if there is no a clear food safety system! I do feel like I am in war zone!
Does anyone have a good experience in working in high risk? Please share. I need to mention that for food safety point of view, it is such a great experience.
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Hi QA,
I have worked with production of both RTE, frozen cooked shrimp ( a classic high risk product) and low risk raw frozen seafood.
IMEX, compared to low risk items, the most immediate (-ve IMO) effects of high risk are that any audit like BRC is immediately raised 10-100x in intensity plus a similar result regarding customer discussions on appropriate Specifications. (Not that low risk conversations are always totally devoid of friction either).
One plus is that some equipment requests previously rejected due cost can suddenly become accessible.
I do agree with you that low risk tends to offer a more placid working environment. Unfortunately excess placidity can also promote a general lack of care/control regarding hygiene etc.
Some people also prefer living "on the edge" of course.