Posted 28 August 2019 - 06:54 PM
We are a packaging manufacturer that requires the use of packaging materials different than those that we produce. We produce food contact paper (butcher, freezer, etc.) but use poly bags to package the rolls. We are preparing to create unique ID's for all of our rolls (previously packaged in lots and id'd with one inventory #), but I am very surprised to read that others are also tracking the packaging. As a packaging mfg, would we be required to trace the packaging of... the packaging? The code specifically mentions food contact packaging requiring traceability in, but I don't see language regarding the packaging of food contact packaging.
What do you guys think?
All of our SQF packaging clients trace secondary packaging - such as your roll bags.
That packaging is in contact with your primary food contact packaging - if there is something wrong with the secondary packaging it could (think - chemical migration) effect your food contact packaging.
You may not see the "launguage" regarding this, however it is an "input" and a potential source of cross-contamination.
Edited by SQFconsultant, 28 August 2019 - 06:55 PM.
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Market Segments: Vegan, Vegetarian, Non-GMO, Organic, Non-Gluten
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