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How to implement clause No.1.1.8 in BRC issue 8?

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Best Answer , 08 September 2019 - 11:13 AM

Salmo Alikom Mohamed ,


Simply you have evidences that you are updated regarding the mentioned points in the clause 11.8 , as ally mestioned , you need to have appropriate communication that is relative to your local legislative authority and have a systematic updated from them for example in Egypt you at least should use 

-Egyptian Organization for Standards & Quality (EOS ) , Simply you should have all the updated standards related to your business , and in your manual declare who is responsible for review the site for last updates and you can also subscribe in the mailing list.

Evidence :  all related EOS should be documented with the last update.



- National food safety authority (NFSA)  which is concerned with food safety rules in Egypt , you should declare in your manual the way the you are keeping updated ( review , mailing list subscription ,...) 



- Commerce of chamber  regular meetings and updating emails is a good tools also , you can co-ordinate with your regulatory affairs manager if you have. 



- If your are exporting your product you should demonstrate the standards and legislation and should document your process to make sure that you have the last update.

e.g. GSO for GCC or FSMA for USA ,.....


Do not miss the labeling legislation ,  remaining shelf life requirement at receiving , shipment requirements ,.....


- For scientific and technical developments it depends on the size and nature of your business you can use Codex Alimentarius. 



any scientific organization related to your business e,g, AIB for bakery.


- For authenticity you can subscribe to appropriate food fraud reporting web site that is related to your location and business that assure that you are aware about the last update.


You can declare in your food safety manual how can you follow up the updates and the frequency and demonstrate that updates take place regulatory 



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mohamed ahmed yusuf

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Posted 07 September 2019 - 07:49 AM


Kindly i need your support about how to implement clause No.1.1.8 in BRC issue 8 


"The company’s senior management shall have a system in place to ensure that the site is kept informed of
and reviews:
• scientific and technical developments
• industry codes of practice
• new risks to authenticity of raw materials
• all relevant legislation in the country where the product will be sold (where known)."

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Posted 07 September 2019 - 07:59 AM

Hi Mohammad,
I’m new to this to , I would say sign up on alerts from the fsa and fda online as these are the most update for our food business needs these report any recalls, allergen updates and food safety legislation changes etc and add these to your food safety manual.

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Ehab Nassar

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Posted 08 September 2019 - 11:13 AM   Best Answer

Salmo Alikom Mohamed ,


Simply you have evidences that you are updated regarding the mentioned points in the clause 11.8 , as ally mestioned , you need to have appropriate communication that is relative to your local legislative authority and have a systematic updated from them for example in Egypt you at least should use 

-Egyptian Organization for Standards & Quality (EOS ) , Simply you should have all the updated standards related to your business , and in your manual declare who is responsible for review the site for last updates and you can also subscribe in the mailing list.

Evidence :  all related EOS should be documented with the last update.



- National food safety authority (NFSA)  which is concerned with food safety rules in Egypt , you should declare in your manual the way the you are keeping updated ( review , mailing list subscription ,...) 



- Commerce of chamber  regular meetings and updating emails is a good tools also , you can co-ordinate with your regulatory affairs manager if you have. 



- If your are exporting your product you should demonstrate the standards and legislation and should document your process to make sure that you have the last update.

e.g. GSO for GCC or FSMA for USA ,.....


Do not miss the labeling legislation ,  remaining shelf life requirement at receiving , shipment requirements ,.....


- For scientific and technical developments it depends on the size and nature of your business you can use Codex Alimentarius. 



any scientific organization related to your business e,g, AIB for bakery.


- For authenticity you can subscribe to appropriate food fraud reporting web site that is related to your location and business that assure that you are aware about the last update.


You can declare in your food safety manual how can you follow up the updates and the frequency and demonstrate that updates take place regulatory 



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Leila Burin

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Posted 13 September 2019 - 02:59 PM

Hello M.Yusuf,

It is not as simply to show that you RECEIVE the updates, but also that you are able to MANAGE them. This implies a SYSTEM, I mean, a plan: who receives them? if there is a new modification, regarding, ie, a new parameter that shall be assessed in an external lab: how is the communication with the responsible to change the Analysis Plan? Who will review that the modifications (according to the new laws) have been done adequately?, etctec.

So, as said, it is not a matter to show an "email that we have received the latest news about regulations", but to show how the facility then deals with the corresponding modifications in their system that shall be done

I hope this helps :)


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  • South Africa
    South Africa

Posted 05 December 2021 - 03:51 PM

Aright, I am compiling this policy. In simple terms, it requires an organization to demonstrate how it intends to keep the FSMS Team abreast with the industry trends in related to the 4-subheadings. The most practical way of achieving this is to: 

  1. Join mailing-list of the credible FSMS research organizations; 
  2. Annual subscription to research organizations and other organizations like FDA, FAO, etc
  3. Join industry groups on LinkedIn and be sure to attend Webinars/events online

How do we then ensure that everyone receives this info, the emails are automated. This means that as and when the correspondence is received based on the above, it is automatically forwarded to the others and then it is discussed in general, during the team's weekly tea-meetings. 


I am trying to keep this as simple as possible. Already, on the monthly meetings, this item is already included in the agenda. 


I know the above is high-level, but I would really appreciate your input on my approach on this section. 

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