We have contractors on our site very regularly and we have some concerns as we move towards getting an SQF Certification for Packaging.
All contractors are required to come through the front door and check in with reception ONLY on the first day they are on site. They receive visitor tags and sign a registry but after the first day they do not have to come through the front again. Contractors will then use the back door and enter the facility through maintenance where they write their names on a white board. There is no other record of who is in our facility at that point and we rely heavily on their good nature to write their names on thw white board. Does anyone deal with this in a different way? When contractors enter your facility do they always use a specific door? If not, and you allow them through a back door, what policies do you have in place to ensure your facility security and maintain an accurate list of who is in your facility in case of emergencies?
We are also in the process of implementing a Visitor GMP Training Program. Do you make every individual go through training and sign a document? Is it sufficient if only the Supervisor present from a contacted company signs the training document even if 5 people from the company are present? Do you require all visitors to complete GMP training upon every visit? Or do you require an annual training?