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How can QA/QC assist or move towards sustainable food production?

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Posted 17 January 2020 - 05:47 AM

I am new and I only worked in food area for two years as QA tech. Then one day I hope to contribute more to environments. Then I was wondering is there a way QA/QC can contribute to food sustainability? or environment in general?


What area of food production can be improved to contribute to environments?



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Posted 17 January 2020 - 08:25 AM

There will be several areas a manufacturer can be more environmentally friendly, the below document looks at it more thoroughly and gives some case examples.




Many things will ultimately be the decision of the directors/owners, but just thinking from how you can affect change as a QA, the main thing that comes to mind is reducing waste. Technical could potentially aid this by helping to keep product within specification to reduce waste, and re-working as much as possible - within the compliance of your food safety & quality standards of course.


You could suggest other things to management i.e. recyclable packaging, local suppliers, re-usable equipment. Though 'cost' will likely be your barrier to any suggestions, unless it coincidentally works out cheaper for the company.


This is an interesting topic, I expect we may see a larger focus on it within the next decade in standard requirements and regulations. The consumer attitude certainly seems to be changing anyway.

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Posted 17 January 2020 - 10:52 AM

There will be several areas a manufacturer can be more environmentally friendly, the below document looks at it more thoroughly and gives some case examples.




Many things will ultimately be the decision of the directors/owners, but just thinking from how you can affect change as a QA, the main thing that comes to mind is reducing waste. Technical could potentially aid this by helping to keep product within specification to reduce waste, and re-working as much as possible - within the compliance of your food safety & quality standards of course.


You could suggest other things to management i.e. recyclable packaging, local suppliers, re-usable equipment. Though 'cost' will likely be your barrier to any suggestions, unless it coincidentally works out cheaper for the company.


This is an interesting topic, I expect we may see a larger focus on it within the next decade in standard requirements and regulations. The consumer attitude certainly seems to be changing anyway.


Excellent reference. :thumbup:


i would anticipate that QA/QC is relevant to every chapter. As might be expected ?

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Posted 17 January 2020 - 01:54 PM

Food waste is a huge issue impacting food sustainability.


Study up on Good Agricultural Practices (GAP) - a lot of food doesn't make it off the farm.





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