Hi All,
I'm currently trying to redevelop my HACCP plan and include the new hazards Issue 6 is requiring me to identify.
2.2.6 - The HARA team shall identify and record all potential product safety hazards that are reasonably expected to occur at each step in relation to the product and process. The hazards considered shall include, where relevant:
- Microbiological hazards
- Chemical Contamination
- Potential for unintended migration of substances from the packaging material into food or other hygiene-sensitive products
- Foreign Objects
- Potential problems arising from the use of recycled materials
- Foreseeable misuse by the consumer
- defects critical to consumer safety
- hazards that may have impact on the functional integrity and performance of the final product in use
- potential for malicious intervention
- potential for raw material fraud
I'm trying to figure out how to address each hazard versus my current HACCP format.
Am I headed the right direction (see attached template for Receiving and Storage of Raw materials)
I addressed each new hazard under Biological, then Chemical, then Physical.
Am I overthinking it? Should each be its own hazard in its own?