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Is it possible to achieve an A grade if the previous audit was C grade?

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Vasilis Theodossiou

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Posted 17 October 2020 - 05:13 PM

Hello to all! I would like to ask for your advice:  a manufacturer is expecting BRC audit for second time this year (October). The first time (March) his grade was C. Now the certification body informed the manufacturer that they cannot grade him with A even if he deserves it because in the first audit his grade was C. Can someone here show proof of BRC guidelines for this decision of the certification? Thank you very much in advance for your time! 








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Posted 17 October 2020 - 07:21 PM

Sounds like you may want to look for a new certification body, and/or have a chat with BRCGS themselves.

The purpose of an audit is to assess the evidence observed on the day(s) - if the site performs to a grade A standard (10 or fewer minors) then that is the grade that is issued, subject to closing out the non-conformances.

Taking previous performance into account rather negates the benefit of a site actually improving!

I believe the only scope for this is where non-conformances are repeated from the previous year, with these potentially being escalated in significance from e.g. minor to major. 

FWIW the first BRC audit I ever had was at a site that had a grade C previously, and that audit resulted in an A being awarded.

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Posted 18 October 2020 - 12:10 AM

Wow, that sounds like the CB is pulling tgat out of their... well, I will just say left field.

Get a new certification body and get to work on garnering that A.

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Leila Burin

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Posted 21 October 2020 - 04:23 PM

Absolutely false! Under BRC you can have that situation. To receive a C, and then, to upgrade it to an A.


Another thing would be if you are closing a Major IFS NC, then the punctuation /foundation level, remains still as that (foundation level, not higher level), after the closure of the Major (at the site or documental).


best regrds,


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Posted 22 October 2020 - 09:48 AM

Absolutely possible. I've seen it happen several times. As pHruit said."The purpose of an audit is to assess the evidence observed on the day(s)". Change CBs IMO. This is the same reason sites can also go from A to C.

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The Prof

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Posted 10 November 2020 - 05:18 PM

I've observed a series of BRCGS audits from the same CB where the company went from grade AA, got another grade AA, then lost their certificate and regained a grade A 3 months later.  The company then reached out to obtain 3 quotes for cost comparison purposes and with the intention of switching CBs.  Using the same criteria on which to base these quotes, the company received quotes for a 2 day audit, a 3 day audit and a 5 day audit!!  I do not subscribe to the view that the audit outcome is based on the evidence observed on the day of the audit, especially given that some auditors go out of their way to look for nonconformity.  I believe auditing standards are in need of improvement, with auditor competence being one of the most significant aspects requiring attention.  Purchasers of 3rd party audit services need to apply appropriate approval processes as they would for any other key service provider and take whatever steps are necessary to confirm auditor competence before they conduct the audit.  As they say, 'buyers beware'.  Generally speaking, 3rd party audit standards must improve otherwise I fear 3rd party auditing has had its day.

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