You can always try out the google platform. You can purchase a professional account so you can have some more utlilities and set it up (there is a limit on the emails that you can have that contain the company name after @, but that's not a problem).
As far as the setup goes it's super easy. You can create or change emails to something like "" (because all the people you include must have gmail) and then give out permissions according to the authorizations people have. They can edit or just see some or all of the documents, the traditional "signature" is your digital trace which can be tracked through the history of changes (even down to a single google excel cell). It is always stored on the cloud so you can have access even from home for emergencies, you can download drive for pc which saves in real time anything you do in your documents and the best of all is that it only mirrors the cloud and doesn't save things locally in your pc. Also with the Drive for pc even if your net is off you can still do changes and they will be saved in the cloud when you are back online.
People in your production can have tablets where they fill the needed documents and that you can track live. It's super protected of course if someone questions the cyberattack threat (meaning if google goes down then 2/3 of the world goes down!).
I can't really stress out what an amazing tool it is, even in totally free mode. What will take some time is the set up of some features other paid services offer like ready forms etc, but all these can be done with minimal effort.
You can have daily/monthly/annual reports being send out automatically upon completion to the management or track KPI and other tasks through Keep, Calendar. You have Excel, Word with amazing features for producing instantly statistic reports. With Forms you can create audit lists like in iAuditor. There is even a remote access feature (through a google extention) with which you can check some pc (provided it is in the network) in the production if the need arises. You can setup email categories and give access accordingly eg the sales department and the management will see only emails that have to do with offers/procurement, you and a couple of others emails that concern quality/legislation issues, production personnel may not have access to those and have an "internal" one that informs them of things concerning them but not the management (you should still though have a central one that all emails go and someone sees them for the just in case scenario).
You can even set it so that people that fill the same document will have to log in to google chrome, on the same pc/tablet, with their own personnal mini code so that it can be easier tracked who fills what and when.
I can go on and on and still not cover half of its potential. For a free/low priced option (if you go for business account) the only downside is that it will require a bit of an effort on your part to set it up. When its on though it will be a breeze.
PS: Not a google promoter/seller!