BRC-GS Fresh Produce states its scope "..The Standard ends at the point where the packed product leaves the site premises. The auditor will examine all procedures and
facilities throughout the whole process up to the dispatch of packed goods. The Standard does not cover storage and
distribution by third parties, as this is covered in the BRC Global Standard for Storage and Distribution." By this I understand, that we do not need ti cover third-party transportation-temperature controlled storing-transportation to customers with this standard.
In BRC-GS Food Safety I did not find any ending scope for the standard. Our packed cold products are transported by third-party to their temperature controlled cold rooms, and then transported from there to our clients. I wonder if we need to cover all processes until our products meet customers i.e. should we e.g. audit this third-party contractor for transportation and temperature control until the products meet customers? Or does the std scope end till third-party unpacks our products from their vehicles?