Thank you Charles, I’ll take that as a cue!
From BRCGS Guidance for Clause 1.1.8:
The company must be able to demonstrate that it maintains up-to-date knowledge of relevant legislation, scientific and technical developments, potential risks to raw materials (e.g. to the authenticity of the raw material) and industry codes of practice, such as Codex Alimentarius. Activities to achieve this may include:
• membership of a trade association that provides this service
• subscription to a service provider supplying legal updates
• help from government officials or local enforcement offices
• regular review of identified websites covering legislation and standards.
In addition to information relating to food safety, the site must also have a system to obtain and review information relating to the authenticity of raw materials and the potential for substitution or dilution of the ingredients. This information will be required to demonstrate compliance with clause 5.4.1.
So, to add to previous posts, there is also a emphasis on authenticity, section 5.4 is PRODUCT AUTHENTICITY, CLAIMS AND CHAIN OF CUSTODY, Clause 5.4.1 states: The company shall have processes in place to access information on historical and developing threats to the supply chain which may present a risk of adulteration or substitution of raw materials (i.e. fraudulent raw materials).
Kind regards,