Hi all! Belgium here!
In our food processing company, we do use for the primary packaging of some products white plastic foil. This white foil is sealed on top of a cup and can come in direct contact with the actual food product.
We do have a Food Contact Compliance Statement Sheet from the supplier for the white foil. Regarding Titanium Dioxide, the following is mentioned:
The material can show trace of substances in compliance with Regulations 1333/08/CE e 1334/08/CE (named as “dual use” additives).
At present, our suppliers informed about presence of the following dual use additives:
CAS-No 0013463-67-7 / TITANIUM DIOXIDE (E 171).
According to experimental and theoretical calculations, these substances are compliant with the Regulation 10/2011/UE, Art. 11 comma 3, letters a,b of DM 21 March 1973.
It is the end user’s responsibility to inform XXX (= name of the supplier) about possible restrictions due to aromas or additives presence in the packed food product.
The Food Contact Compliance Statement Sheet dates from February 2020. If aunderstand correctly, Titanium Dioxide isn't a "Dual Additive" anymore? So I think it is best we should ask the Supplier for a review of this statement?
Thank you,
Kind regards
Edited by JensV, 08 July 2022 - 07:23 AM.