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Posted 14 September 2022 - 05:21 PM

Hello everyone,


I apologize if this is in the wrong forum.


Our company is fairly new to producing kosher products. We have been certified kosher for just over a year now.

Our production line is completely segregated from the rest of the facility. In fact, you have to leave the non-kosher area of the building and go outside to access the kosher production area . They have their own breakroom, washroom, restrooms, etc. 


My question is this. Our rabbi shows up most of the time either when we are just starting to shut down for the day or already finished for the day.

We've told him repeatedly what the ours of operation are yet he still shows up late and sometimes when management has already left so there is no-one to answer his questions.

Are we required to let him in the facility if we are not running production?


He is always pressing the issue of whether or not we move equipment around or run non-kosher. The last thing we want is to compromise our kosher status. It's almost like we are guilty until proven innocent. He does not use subtle hints, but outright insinuates we are doing non-kosher activates in there when we aren't.

Even our FSIS Inspectors don't treat us like the rabbi does.

He has made us very defensive about our practices, especially since we are so committed to doing everything right.


Any suggestions or input? It's become very frustrating being treated the way we have.


Thanks you!


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Posted 14 September 2022 - 05:36 PM

I have had a similar experience with Halal


WIthout going into too much detail i will offer you this


A) do what the rabbi would like as best you can when he appears


B) let him in the building whenever he'd like





C) find a new rabbi


Sorry---but it is what it is

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Please stop referring to me as Sir/sirs


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Posted 14 September 2022 - 05:39 PM

Sorry to hear about such bad attitude from your Rabbi, I've personally never experienced that: our Rabbi has been coming to our facility for over 11 years and never demonstrated such behavior, always being nice and reasonable. Actually, his activities include observing our ingredients' and products' labels to ensure presence of Kosher logo - that's all. He never was interested in the processes or anything related (though, all our products are either Kosher certified or kosherable) I wonder if you could send a request to their Rabbinate regarding items that are supposed to be observed. Also, have you been provided by the Kosher requirements when you were certified? 

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Posted 14 September 2022 - 07:32 PM

Hello everyone,
I apologize if this is in the wrong forum.
Our company is fairly new to producing kosher products. We have been certified kosher for just over a year now.
Our production line is completely segregated from the rest of the facility. In fact, you have to leave the non-kosher area of the building and go outside to access the kosher production area . They have their own breakroom, washroom, restrooms, etc. 
My question is this. Our rabbi shows up most of the time either when we are just starting to shut down for the day or already finished for the day.
We've told him repeatedly what the ours of operation are yet he still shows up late and sometimes when management has already left so there is no-one to answer his questions.
Are we required to let him in the facility if we are not running production?
He is always pressing the issue of whether or not we move equipment around or run non-kosher. The last thing we want is to compromise our kosher status. It's almost like we are guilty until proven innocent. He does not use subtle hints, but outright insinuates we are doing non-kosher activates in there when we aren't.
Even our FSIS Inspectors don't treat us like the rabbi does.
He has made us very defensive about our practices, especially since we are so committed to doing everything right.
Any suggestions or input? It's become very frustrating being treated the way we have.
Thanks you!

We faced same issue and after extreme frustration, our CEO scheduled a meeting with his boss. In the meeting, he made him
understand very clearly that what you are talking about is nothing scientific ... on what grounds all the time your Rabbi appears and gives us hard time.
This is not acceptable at all if he wants to see production run according to Kosher regulations, he has to follow production timings,
otherwise we are not responsible for his satisfaction. if you don't need business, we can look for another body.
That day was our last day of trouble from Rabbi, everybody needs business that is hard core truth, rest every thing comes after ☺☺☺.
Try to talk to his boss.


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Posted 14 September 2022 - 08:18 PM



We're as cordial to the Rabbi as should be, and show him what he needs to see (I know better than to do otherwise!). We've always answered his questions as best  as one can. I guess we could put the ball in his court and ask him to prove that we're doing something wrong since he doesn't believe us. Once production and sanitation are done, that side of the building is locked up and no-one except management can get in, but then management leaves once production is finished, so there is no-one to let him in the building.




The Rabbi only asks to see the same thing, ingredients and labels. Except; he has asked to see the rest of the facility when it has nothing to do with the kosher side and totally separate. I do not believe he has a right to see anything other than kosher operations. We were not provided documentation for kosher, just given our certificate, but we do understand the process required and what we can and cannot do. 





The owner/CEO is aware of the problem, and if need be he will step in should things get worse. Unfortunately, I missed the last 2 times he came to the door. One was after production hours and no-one to let him in. The only reason we knew he stopped by was from our camera.

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Posted 15 September 2022 - 01:25 AM

Contact your kosher CB and explain the situation, they will take care of it, seriously.

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