Are you starting from absolute scratch? No GMP or HACCP plan in place at all? Have you ever been involved in writing a food safety program, or managing one?
Googling will give you a good start--it leads to things like this
Posted 20 April 2023 - 03:33 PM
Are you starting from absolute scratch? No GMP or HACCP plan in place at all? Have you ever been involved in writing a food safety program, or managing one?
Googling will give you a good start--it leads to things like this
Yes, starting from scratch. I have done a lot of googling and a lot of reading. I have also read this same link amongst others. I've never created a safety program, however, no fear or issues creating one. We will not be processing ANY foods, no raws, etc. only handling packaged, retail ready dry goods (receiving, storage, shipping).
Posted 20 April 2023 - 03:38 PM
So you need to start with forms 1-10 (you can find templates here
Are you going to have any of the CFIA allergens on site? If yes (assuming yes to at least 2) then you'll also need an allergen control program e.g. what will you do if the goods are punctured/spilled and an allergen is now exposed
Do you dedicated washrooms and lunchroom that DO NOT open directly into the warehouse?
You'll also need the facility and power equipment on a sanitation schedule that is followed and documented
Have you applied for a CFIA license? You're going to need that as well
Edited by Scampi, 20 April 2023 - 03:38 PM.
Please stop referring to me as Sir/sirs
Posted 20 April 2023 - 08:43 PM
CFIA License - Applied and received
Washrooms - We have both IN warehouse and ones that do NOT open into warehouse.
Dedicated Lunch Room - Yes, our lunch room is separate from the warehouse.
RE Allergens, where can I find an allergen control program template?
Posted 21 April 2023 - 12:05 PM
CFIA is your best go to as that's whom you need to comply with from a legal standpoint
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Posted 23 May 2023 - 11:11 PM
Yeah, I found out about the changes / updates to supplier expectations from Costco last week. I've been in touch with the auditing group at Costco and they enlightened on some of the changes.
- Costco Requiring all suppliers to have annual unannounced audits.
- Their unannounced audit window is 90 days. Most GFSI is 60 day unannounced audit window.
- If you currently have a GFSI annual audit you can opt to make it unannounced each year to meet Costco requirement, or you have the additional Costco 1 day audit (most plants are 1 day) for the years where your GFSI audit is announced.
- Costco will accept a 60 days unannounced audit window if you opt to only have GFSI unannounced audits.
- If you have your 2023 audits scheduled by 4/30 you will not be required to have an unannounced Costco audit for 2023. But will be required thereafter.
- Costco mandates X-Ray with the following exceptions:
- It does not work for your product(s) sold into Costco. You must provide scientific justification of this from someone with scientific X-Ray expertise.
- You can utilize physical separation / control methods such as screens, sieves, etc provided they have sufficient control of foreign material. Again, must provide validation for the physical screening.
- ****Costco does not accept metal detection as replacement for X-Ray.
All Costco standards can be found in the Dropbox link below.
For some supplier this may just be a choice between continuing business with Costco or not. My company is on the fence and now I'm having to provide the cost / benefit of implementing unannounced audits and X-Ray and reviewing with leadership team.
Do you know when is expected date to have the x-ray equipment?
I understood that by April 2023 we need to send a plan for the x-ray, but when is the deadline to install and have an operating x-ray?
Posted 24 May 2023 - 12:36 PM
Assume that it needs to be operational AND validated prior to your next audit
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Posted 24 May 2023 - 04:21 PM
If you have a plan for installation and/or orders for acquiring equipment in place they may be flexible, but that will need to be sorted out with your rep beforehand.
We have some xray equipment installed, and other units scheduled to be replaced later this year as part of broader equipment replacement/upgrade plan. This was discussed with COSTCO and they accepted it before the audit was conducted.
Fortunately our audit was scheduled far enough in advance to avoid the extra nonsense this year.
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Posted 24 May 2023 - 05:33 PM
If you have a plan for installation and/or orders for acquiring equipment in place they may be flexible, but that will need to be sorted out with your rep beforehand.
We have some xray equipment installed, and other units scheduled to be replaced later this year as part of broader equipment replacement/upgrade plan. This was discussed with COSTCO and they accepted it before the audit was conducted.
Fortunately our audit was scheduled far enough in advance to avoid the extra nonsense this year.
Thank you, we have our next audit in March. We already submitted a plan, but we were requesting until 2025 to install the x-ray since we are a pretty small company plus, we have not had any complaints in regards foreign matter, and before the metal detector we use magnets and filters.
Thank you!
Posted 01 June 2023 - 01:07 AM
- If you have your 2023 audits scheduled by 4/30 you will not be required to have an unannounced Costco audit for 2023. But will be required thereafter.
I looked through the documents you attached via dropbox and I could not locate the above statement. Maybe I missed it, but can you let me know where that statement is listed from Costco?
Posted 01 June 2023 - 03:27 PM
Hello, I wanted to share that I received an answer from Costco about the x-ray installation:
-The capital expenditure plan should be in place now (April 2023), and the plan should include the approved budget and timeline that supports implementation of the X-ray device(s) within 5 years (April 1st, 2028).
Also, about the unannounced audits, your certification body will let you know if your upcoming audit for Costo will be unannounced.
We recently had our SQF audit with Costco addendum and it was announced, but scheduling for the next year the body told us the next one will be unannounced.
Posted 01 June 2023 - 03:55 PM
Hello, I wanted to share that I received an answer from Costco about the x-ray installation:
-The capital expenditure plan should be in place now (April 2023), and the plan should include the approved budget and timeline that supports implementation of the X-ray device(s) within 5 years (April 1st, 2028).
Also, about the unannounced audits, your certification body will let you know if your upcoming audit for Costo will be unannounced.
We recently had our SQF audit with Costco addendum and it was announced, but scheduling for the next year the body told us the next one will be unannounced.
Good to hear they're accepting a reasonable plan for implementing equipment changes.
Talking with our SQF auditor about future audits and the Costco effects, it sounds like they're getting a LOT of pushback from small vendors, who are essentially telling Costco their business isn't worth the extra effort and equipment expense.
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Posted 02 June 2023 - 05:27 PM
As a smaller business, who has been trying to get "into" Costco for years, we are now seeing that it is a quite risky move.
Based on what I've heard from those who frequently shop at Costco (I go very infrequently), it seems to be part of their business strategy to rotate certain products. This could be by rotating them throughout different stores, rotating through different flavors from brands, etc.
We've invested quite a lot of time and funds into the packaging for our Costco product and although things are going great right now, in the back of our minds we are hoping that things will continue to be great for a while such that we do not end up with a ton of packaging that we cannot use for anything else. None of our other customers would need such a large pack of our product.
Packaging can be expensive, so with this added to the mix, it can be a very risky move for small businesses to embark on the Costco adventure.
Posted 05 June 2023 - 04:11 PM
@Gelato Quality Lead: You're not wrong about rotations. My family shops there every week or two, and generally the fresh produce/dairy items and dry stuffs are pretty consistent, but the frozen novelties are hit or miss. I really like these little egg/sausage breakfast sandwiches they've got, but they come and go on whims. If I were forced to embark on a Costco supplier project, I'd be wanting some good commitments to contract order quantities and frequency before investing so heavily on technology to keep them happy.
And I'll just come out and say it: For a company so focused on quality and food safety, their fresh vegetables and produce are some of the worst we end up buying for home shelf life. No other grocery store fruits and vegetables mold faster at my house than stuff bought from Costco...
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Posted 05 June 2023 - 05:31 PM
And I'll just come out and say it: For a company so focused on quality and food safety, their fresh vegetables and produce are some of the worst we end up buying for home shelf life. No other grocery store fruits and vegetables mold faster at my house than stuff bought from Costco...
Stopped shopping there for mostly this reason-------as well as the fresh meat being A) more expensive the regular grocery store and B) knowing that (as an example) the chicken comes from 3 provinces over instead of same province where huge processor is so some loss on shelf right off the bat
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Posted 21 June 2023 - 04:27 PM
Does anyone know what is the water temperature and time to reach this temperature required by Costco for food suppliers? The document says sufficient temperature but I remember our SQF auditor said a specific temperature during our last audit.
Thanks in advance,
Posted 22 June 2023 - 01:47 PM
Does anyone know what is the water temperature and time to reach this temperature required by Costco for food suppliers? The document says sufficient temperature but I remember our SQF auditor said a specific temperature during our last audit.
Thanks in advance,
Water temp for what ???????? Please don't forget you need to meet regulated requirements (when they are present ) first and foremost
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Posted 28 January 2024 - 07:52 PM
The link on the front page of the COSTCO Food Safety & Quality Audit Expectations document doesn't take me to the 'templates' as it says it will. Anyone else having this issue?
Posted 12 February 2024 - 10:20 PM
Does anyone have the Costco Produce Facility Addendum? The link on their guidelines doesn't work.
Thank you!
Posted 09 July 2024 - 12:14 AM
This link is not working. Could you share another link to us?
here is a link to Costco's dropbox for food safety requirements, includes their contacts. I've contacted via and get a response within 24 hours.
Posted 06 August 2024 - 02:31 PM
Hello Hello,
Does anyone here that is completing the Module 14 Costco Audits know how long it will take to schedule an audit?
Any help will be greatly appreciated
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