WE have a few areas in the factory processing areas (tortilla lines) that that may run 1-2 days a week. Sanitation, at the end of the last night of operation, will do a quick rinse off of the equipment, then do a full clean at the end of the week, as we will likely run those lines on Monday. My QA Manager is concerned that an SQF auditor may write this up as a non compliance based on the following element of the code: SQF: All equipment and utensils shall be cleaned after use (refer to or at a set and validated frequency to control contamination and be stored in a clean and serviceable condition to prevent microbiological or cross-contact allergen contamination.
My thoughts are, if it is down for the rest of the week, the concern is moot, as it is fully cleaned and sanitized before startup. And the equipment is not being stored for use a a later time.
Any input will be appreciated