Hello, I am new to here and am hoping for some advice. We are a company that sells spices. We recently asked our supplier if we could order more of a same lot of a spice that we had previously bought in the summer as we liked that lot. They replied that about a couple months after we had bought this spice the supplier had a customer complaint and tested the lot and it was postive for gluten. They did NOT notify us of this, however we do not ask for gluten testing when buying the material.
Now that we know it has gluten though, are we required to recall the product we have sold? I beleive the supplier's test showed a relatively low level of gluten (approx 40 ppm) We also still have stock of this material. Do we sell it with a may contain gluten label? We are not a gluten free company and we do not make an gluten free claims. How do we proceed with this? Do we test it on our own and is a certain level ok if we are not making gluten free claims?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated!