BRC issue 9
4.3.6 Temporary structures constructed during building work or refurbishment etc. shall be designed and located to avoid pest harbourage and ensure the safety and quality of products
Temporary structures
Temporary structures (e.g. those constructed during building work or refurbishment) must be designed and located to avoid pest harbourage, unsanitary conditions and potential contamination of products. For example, where walls have to be knocked through during installation or expansion work, the integrity of the unit must be preserved to avoid pest entry, and scaffolding used in open product areas must be of the appropriate hygienic standard.
Risk assessment of temporary activities or structures should be completed prior to their introduction.
a few bullet points that I would consider :
- Refurbishment Plan
- Site Construction
- Contractors training
- Working hours - The BRC prefers to schedule installation/refurbishment outside production hours and if this is not possible the site must ensure that safety and integrity of product/ingredients are not jeopardised.
- Heavy duty equipment (dust, odour etc)
- Pest control potential issues