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Posted 24 October 2005 - 08:12 AM

Hello Mike,

How about a brief introduction; personal details, vital statistics, hobbies etc.


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Posted 24 October 2005 - 12:33 PM

Hi everyone!
Brief introduction :clap:

Live in Grimsby - have done for the last 39 years! (there's ambition for you!)
Graduated from York with a degree in 3-D Design (furniture, mostly) and fell almost immediately into packaging:uhm:, following a brief skirmish with the world of exhibition design and construction.

Started my packaging career in corrugated as a sample maker/designer (slight link there), then went on to three (including current) flexible packaging companies in various levels of quality assurance, ending up as QA Manager with current employer.:thumbup:

My accumilated experience of the BRC/IOP standard has allowed me to travel to our other flexible sites in europe, as far afield as Poland, who are now preparing themselves for the standard:smarty:

The combined roles of Quality and Hygiene therefore have kept me busy since June last year.

On a personal level, have been married for 16 years, no kids but have 2 dogs (cocker spaniels) which provide ample entertainment!

On and off, I play in various bands in the area, mostly blues and covers bands, to varying degrees of acclaim!:beer:

Holidays tend to be country cottage type in this country because of the dogs, but can stretch as far as narrowboating.

The unavoidable DIY forms a fair part of the spare time (doesn't it always), and there are plans to start building a Westfield sports car next year as part of the official beginning of the mid-life-crisis :crybaby:

I think that has given you a fair resume of my current achievements to date - any questions gratefully received and responded to as best I can.......... :bye:

Edited by mikelond, 24 October 2005 - 12:34 PM.

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Posted 24 October 2005 - 02:25 PM

What's Grimsby like Mike? I'm 40 next year also; like me you probably remember the tail end of punk, new wave and new romantic. We're closer to sixty than 1982 now. :o

Anyway favourite 3 tracks, favourite group and/or singer. And how about a sample of your music. BTW what do you play?


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Posted 24 October 2005 - 02:54 PM

Grimsby is not quite the last craggy rock sticking out of the sea just off the end of the earth that it is usually made out to be. :angry: Thats Cleethorpes just up the road.:lol:
Although the fishing fleet has long since been depleted, we are still a fairly large player in processed foods and car exports. :king:
All in all, not a bad place to be, as we have the coast, the Wolds, and places like Lincoln, York and Hull close to hand.......;)

I certainly remember the tail end of punk, although I was more into ELO and Genesis at the time.
The new romantic era was when I really got into buying music, so I still have plenty of Duran Duran, Visage and Human League lying around on vinyl!!

Times have changed now though (although I currently have ELO Out Of The Blue as one of the CDs in the car).:oops:

Favourite group/singer at the moment? Probably Rush, who have been part of my collection since 1981.

Favourite 3 tracks? Comfortably Numb - Pink Floyd, Sultans of Swing - Dire Straits, YYZ - Rush. Theres an eclectic mix for you!! :spoton:

Regarding bands, I play bass - not to the standard of Rush, mind, but its always worth having something to aspire to........;)
Music samples I will work on for later in the week - watch this space (or should that be listen to this space?:uhm:)


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Posted 24 October 2005 - 03:02 PM


What do you think of the Scissor Sisters version of comfortably numb?

It was only when I watched live 8 that I realised that it was a cover!!


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Posted 24 October 2005 - 03:16 PM

I actually think its given a fresh twist to the song - its had plenty of Floyd purists spitting feathers though!! :lol:
The whole album is really good actually - have you tried Nate James' new/first CD? v funky! :clap:


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Posted 24 October 2005 - 07:11 PM

I certainly remember the tail end of punk, although I was more into ELO and Genesis at the time.
The new romantic era was when I really got into buying music, so I still have plenty of Duran Duran, Visage and Human League lying around on vinyl!!

I know I'm going to have to buy a record player; I've got hundreds of the big black buggers at me mum's; including all three of the above mentioned big quiffers. I'm sure the kids would love em. I bought Sultans of Swing back in 79 (I think) and I still know all the words, even the guitar riffs - marvellous! Where you was into Genesis, ELO and Pink Floyd Mike I was more into the Buzzcocks, the Clash and then Joy Divison, Smiths etc. Yeah a manic depressive. I hated Pink Floyd because I refused to listen to them; my loss. I saw them on Live 8 and they were without doubt the best group, even better than the Who. Is comfortably numb a classic? It was probably the one that I thought was amazing at Live 8. I want to hear it now. I know they fell out with each other for a while and I'm guessing it was the one with hair who got too big for his boots. For me the lead guitarist/singer was the main man. Is that about right?


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Posted 25 October 2005 - 11:12 AM

Thats a pretty fair overview of the situation!
Roger Waters (bass player) basically went off on his own and tried to stop the others from using the name.
Dave Gilmour (singer/guitarist) kept it all together and re-employed the keyboard player who left during the Waters/Gilmour stand-off (I am sure theres a floyd officionado who can hone the rough edges off that!)

Anyway, the Live8 gig was a corker, no question!

Dug out my copy of ABC - Lexicon of Love when I got home last night - got to be one of the albums of the 80's!

If you can get VH1 on your tv, I heartily recommend the Bands Reunited programme, where they get old 80's bands back together for a reunion gig - v amusing!!!


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Posted 25 October 2005 - 07:26 PM

Thats a pretty fair overview of the situation!
Dug out my copy of ABC - Lexicon of Love when I got home last night - got to be one of the albums of the 80's!

What a beautiful side-parting. Martin Fry what a guy; "Who broke my heart you did cupid."

If you can get VH1 on your tv, I heartily recommend the Bands Reunited programme, where they get old 80's bands back together for a reunion gig - v amusing!!!

Between Teletubbies and the Tweenies I flick over to VH1 for a shot of nostalgia - the presenter was King wasn't he? :king:

Anyway what ten things would you take on a Desert Island - the taxis on it's way - you're going to Kumquat a tiny Island in the Pacific for 3 months. There's nothing on it apart from fresh water, coconuts, 30 crates of stella and a dozen ex-Miss Kumquats. :lol2:

Anyone else got a question for Mike? :dunno:


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Posted 26 October 2005 - 03:27 PM

Well first off, I'd swap the Stella for Michelob Ultra! :beer:

Secondly, I'd add a crate of The Macallan whisky for watching those superb pacific sunsets to.......

Third - a harmonica. Always wanted to play one of those things, never had the time or patience! :doh:

Four - the trusty old acoustic, just to keep the fingers in trim!

Five - solar powered DVD player with

Six - Rush in Rio DVD

Seven - Large supply of Stilton and crackers

Eight - Raybans - got to look cool for the Kumquat lovelies............:2cool:

Nine - Factor 15 North Face long sleeve shirt - easily burned in the midday sun!

Ten - disposable camera to record all (mostly) for posterity and posting on the website afterwards.:clap:

I think this has given a bit more of an insight into the crazy, wacky world of the Scunthorpe QA fraternity than originally intended!!;)



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Posted 26 October 2005 - 07:17 PM

Room for a smallish one in your taxi? :beer:

Anyway onto more interesting things :tired: I know you've been travelling round Europe enlightening your colleagues on the rudiments of packaging hygiene; so where did you get to and what are the Standards like off blighty?


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Posted 27 October 2005 - 10:55 AM

Overall, the standards of production and working practices are very similar to those here.

The fundamentals that stood out regarding conforming to the BRC/IOP standard specifically were better control of blades/sharps, drinking water (those conical cups!!) and hairnets.
Although all factories visited had completed their own gap analysis for the BRC/IOP, the supply of such items was patchy, depending on which country.

Poland, for example, was having great difficulty in finding a supplier of conical cups and hairnets (as opposed to the full mob-cap style).

they also were using a UK supplier to calibrate their lab equipment.

Clearly a niche market for someone, but shows the difference between our level of supplier base and that in mainland Europe on certain hygiene services...........

Overall though, the standard has been accepted and is being incorporated into the various systems seen.

If anyone has any tips on suppliers of conical cups/hairnets etc in Europe, would be gratefully received! :spoton:


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Posted 28 October 2005 - 02:43 PM

We appear to be a bit of a reserved lot in the packaging community - hardly any responses this week :crybaby:

Just finishing off the last few bits of paperwork, then jumping into the car and heading up your way Simon - off to Blackpool for the weekend :beer:

Who says we don't live life on the edge in polythene??? :spoton:

TTU next week




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Posted 28 October 2005 - 09:19 PM

Mike I would love for you to stay on for another week - if you wanted to. How did you go in Blackpool? I was there on Thursday and will be going back on Sunday to view a property. I'm relocating the family to Poulton-le-Fylde. :o The Wyre is a really great place. BTW after we viewed the houses we went to see the famous Blackpool illuminations; I'm glad we parked up behind the pleasure beach and walked - the traffic was horrendous. When we set off home about 8.00 p.m. driving from the Pleasure Beach towards St Annes the queue of cars trailed almost to the M55 and they were not moving at all. I guess it would have taken all night to get through. And with a car-full of kids. :crybaby: Are we there yet Dad? :crybaby: :crybaby: I need a wee. :doh: :( :crybaby: :angry:


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Posted 31 October 2005 - 12:34 PM

Hi Simon!
Had a great weekend in Blackpool :beer:
Got there Friday night - hotel right up the North End - big place that looks like a castle :king:
Walked down as far as the tower and back again with fish and chips.
Saturday we got the tram up to Starr Gate, then walked back as far as a Thwaites pub near the hotel.
Had meal there plus beer :beer: :beer: , then when it got dark, we got back on a tram and went back to Starr gate and walked right back to the hotel! :helpplease:
In all, probably walked about 17 miles over the weekend.

Right about the traffic though - it was absolute hell getting out on Sunday morning! :crybaby: :doh:

Good weekend though - can highly recommend the Dr Who exhibition! :clap:

I'm up for another week of interrogation if you want!! No thumb screws though......... :thumbdown:



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Posted 31 October 2005 - 04:43 PM

Congratulations Mike you just broke the record from the most emoticons used in a single post. I had held the record since February 22nd 2003.

Good to hear you enjoyed yourself in Blackers; it's the kind of place where a weekend every year is essential - but not a minute longer. We went back to have a second look at a house in Poulton yesterday, but have changed our minds on it. It was a very difficult decision; the house was really fantastic but was a little too close for comfort to Blackpool. I think we want to be pretty much central to Poulton or round the opposite side to Blackpool. I'm sure something will come along.

As I write I have just received a phone call informing me that my car is to be scrapped. It started knocking a few days ago and I thought ah well it must be the age, but then this morning on the motorway it really started knocking loudly and then ground to a halt. The engine has seized up due to lack of oil. The mechanic said when he dipped it there was just sludge with metal filings in it (I presume bits of the engine). It's not funny really I'm a muppet. So that's it my cars dead and I killed it.

Anyway this is your show Mike over to you.

I'd like to know about your personal and professional ambitions.


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Posted 01 November 2005 - 04:51 PM


I'm sorry I missed your first week.

I spent 3 years in Grimsby and really loved the place ( as long as you don't tell anyone you're from Yorkshire you should be OK). Used to go to the Barge and then on to Gullies for cheap beer and good music (well Simon would like it ). Are they both still there? Franco would like the dock architecture because of its Italian influnence :uhm:

How is the economy in the Grimsby area? I seem to have read about alot of food factory closures.

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Posted 01 November 2005 - 05:11 PM

Hi Yorkshire!
Grimsby has changed - how much depends on when you were last here! :(

The barge is still there - still listing to one side, although it is overshadowed by a Chicago Rock, Walkabout, Yates Wine bar and something else trendy that I cant remember the name of!

Yes, we are losing a few food companies in the docks area, but there are more appearing on the new Europarc on the approach to the town - just before the smell of the fish meal factory assaults your nostrils.

The Birds Eye factory on Ladysmith Road is closing (if you remember, its the one that caused uproar when it was built, because it blocked the TV signal for three streets all round!)

The Dock Tower is still there, although the surrounding dock buildings have all gone and been rejuvenated.

Nice new shopping centre - Freshney Place. I dont think gullivers is still there though - think its a tatoo parlour now.

The St James hotel is next for replacement apparently - not before time either!!!

Getting to Simons last posting, personal and professional ambitions??

Well professionally, I've been QA Manager for the last year and a half, which is where I hoped I would always get to in this line of work, so that one has been crossed off the list!:thumbup:

Personal ambitions......well I'm due to start building a Westfield kit car next year, and would like to take it round the Silverstone circuit when its done.

I would really like to get a workshop set up in the garage and start making furniture etc for a living - going full circle to when I finished at college!!! Dont think that one is going to happen though. :crybaby:

Would settle for a narrow boat on the Avon and a 2-day a week consultancy post for BRC/IOP - any takers??? :dunno:

Anyone else feel that they have missed their vocation in life?


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Posted 01 November 2005 - 08:31 PM

Anyone else feel that they have missed their vocation in life?

Yeah I wanted to be a welder...

Many people miss their vocation in life because either it doesn't pay enough, or they don't realise what it is until they are burdened with the financial commitments of modern living; then change becomes a risk.
However, with minimal risk you could start on a small scale working evenings and weekends while gradually trying to develop your business. If nothing else you would get fulfillment and perhaps make a little second income. Craftsmen are in short supply these days and I'm sure there would be a demand for quality hand made furniture from friends, family, neighbours, word of mouth, maybe sell on Ebay; then your own website and perhaps a factory would follow. Yes I can see it now:

Posted Image

It has a nice ring to it. If making furniture is really your vocation you have the choice. :thumbup:

What would you make?


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Posted 02 November 2005 - 04:50 PM

Hi Simon
I would definitely go for the made-to-order end of the market - no point banging out tables and chairs in the hope that somebody will buy them!

Having done commissions for a couple of people, as well as fitted window seats into odd shaped areas, this gives me a great deal more satisfaction knowing that its not something that could have been bought off the shelf (pardon the pun)!

No point in working in pine either - far too many people doing it already!

I mostly work with oak, ash etc.

Will try and get some photos on the page for you of stuff ive done around the house..... :bye:


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Posted 03 November 2005 - 07:04 AM

Sounds good Mike. When I was a little lad in the 70's there were lot's of strikes, my Dad was on strike for about 12 weeks once. Quite a few fellas on our estate worked at the same place; some of them went fruit picking for money and one started banging out footstools in his garage. He did a roaring trade - I think my ma and pa still have it.

I'd like to see some of your furniture - you could post pictures in the gallery. Start your own bloody shop if you want. :beer:

Back to the task at hand:

1. Favourite holiday
2. Most embarassing moment
3. Biggest accomplishment to date
4. Favourite food and drink
5. What you up to this weekend (and that's not an offer :whistle: )


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Posted 03 November 2005 - 12:11 PM

Hi Simon!
Sat at my desk for lunch, with mug of minestrone soup. :thumbup:

Time to give you some feedback!

1. Best Holiday
Has to be Canada last year. 2 weeks going between Calgary and Vancouver, with stopoff at Victoria to go Whale-watching. The whole scale of the place was just immense.
We saw whales, walked on an ice-flow, got sunburned, went horse-riding, ate far too much!! :(
Bought shed-loads of CDs in Vancouver as well! And got my photo taken with Elvis the whale outside the Virgin Megastore in Vancouver - photo to follow!!

2.Most embarrassing moment.
This one is easy.
When I worked at my last company, I was just a lowly QA supervisor.
One day, we had a film trial to run for a customer in Glasgow, for which I had been volunteered to attend.
I duly organised the trial, sorted out the schedule with the customer, arranged a hire car to get me there and got some petty cash for the journey up.
The day before, I was volunteered for something else, so my boss agreed to go in my place. :clap:
So I gave him the schedule for the trial, the directions and the petty cash and car keys.
The next day, after 5 hours driving, he rang me from the services at Edinburgh to ask about something completely unconnected, then asked how much trial film he would be watching when he got to the customers.
A small alarm bell started to ring in my head, when I realised that he wouldn't be watching ANY film running, as it was still sat in my QA Hold area in the factory.
That is the only time I have actually experienced someone so angry that they cant speak....... :doh:

3.Biggest accomplishment to date
Probably having had my mother-in-law living with us for the last 10 years............dont ask - i just try to blot it out these days!! :crybaby:

4.Favourite food - the old traditional sunday roast. Potatoes must be crispy though...............then followed with apple and rhubarb crumble. With custard. Lumpy.
Favourite drink - The Macallan over 3 lumps of ice

5.What am I doing this weekend?
Well when I get back from Liverpool tomorrow evening, going straight to the pub to watch their fireworks display.
Saturday going to friends place to watch their display and eat their food. Also need to sort out a rattling noise in the car during the day.................
Sunday - depends on the weather, but am booked to give our guitarists son some bass guitar lessons on his new bass. Aaaah, takes me back. The hand cramps, the callouses..................:oops:


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Posted 04 November 2005 - 09:30 PM

Canada is one placed I'd really like to visit; I have a friend who's travelled quite extensively there over the last couple of years - and he's seen nowt yet he tells me.

Your embarrassing moment is quite embarrassing; I think mine has to be when I went on a course in Surrey a couple of years ago. Because I'm so well organised I hired a car and booked the hotel a month or so before. On the day I went to pick up the car but they said it wasn't booked until the day after; I told them they had it wrong, drove the 250 odd miles down to Surrey and checked in the hotel. Well at least I tried but they said my reservation was for the next day. Boing!!! :doh: It suddenly became clear; yes I am a freakin numpty. The choice was do I drive back for 4 hours and come back the next day or stay over an extra day. In the end I stayed over in a different hotel as there was no room at the inn.

3.Biggest accomplishment to date
Probably having had my mother-in-law living with us for the last 10 years............dont ask - i just try to blot it out these days!!

I won't but ouch.

4.Favourite food - the old traditional sunday roast. Potatoes must be crispy though...............then followed with apple and rhubarb crumble. With custard. Lumpy.
Favourite drink - The Macallan over 3 lumps of ice

Yummy. My joint top is Sunday Roast and my home made curry. Never had Macallan, in fact I don't even know what it is. :uhm:

If you get a chance post them pictures and tunes.

Thanks for participating Mike I've really enjoyed learning more about you. :clap:

BTW is the picture in your profile really you???


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    Grade - MIFSQN

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  • Interests:Bass player - currently 2 bands on the go at once.<br />F1 motor racing - now the playing field is a little more level !!<br />Narrow boating

Posted 06 November 2005 - 10:50 AM

Hi Simon
Thanks for my 15 minutes of fame!! :oops:
No - the picture is not me - it was just one that i had on th epc to try and see if i could get a photo to upload, then forgot all about it! :doh:

i have actually taken it off already, and changed my e-mail address as well, which i noticed was from my previous employer... :whistle:

I'll try and update a better one soon!


Mike :thumbup:

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    IFSQN...it's My Life

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  • Interests:Married to Michelle, Father of three boys (Oliver, Jacob and Louis). I enjoy cycling, walking and travelling, watching sport, especially football and Manchester United. Oh and I love food and beer and wine.

Posted 06 November 2005 - 08:38 PM

I'll try and update a better one soon!

Any of the Sugarbabes will do. :whistle:


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