Dear all,
Just finish the reviewing to the whole draft version .
In my opinion, the control for catering issue as well as subcontraction parts are also enhanced by BRC in this document.
About the high care concept, I could not express any on that. Because in this draft version, I have not yet seen the glossary. Maybe BRC has a completely new definition on "high care" concept.
Another thing can be confirmed is that the words "high risk area" is not observed in this draft version. Also the concept "open product handling area" is the one newly introduced by BRC. Furthermore, the unannouce audit options schemes are very interesting, clients can choose different "packages" to maintain their certification. And it is believed that "plus" value will be accepted by more clients.
This version has become more closed to the current audit requirements from retail second party audits. However, as I know in retail second party audits, environmental as well as human issue are also given significant concerns. And in such two regions, there are other standards such as SA 8000, ISO 14000 etc for comparison.
At least BRC is keep moving(due diligence )
Only personal opinion,
Best regards,
PS: In the draft 6 verion, Many clauses present in version 5 are incorporated into one or two clauses. Such incorporation clauses may lead to more "major score" raised. Because according to the definition of "Minor" in the new version: "Clustering of a significant number of minor non conformities against a clause and recording this as a single minor non-conformity is not permitted"
Edited by Jason H.Z.C., 26 April 2011 - 02:37 AM.