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Industry Standard for Tool Boxes

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Posted 21 October 2010 - 01:09 PM

Hi gang,
Can anyone tell me the Industry standard for tool boxes in High Care areas? I spoke to our electrical contractor last week about PPE etc... and got a litany about his tools not being sterile etc... So I suggested that we set up a special high risk tool box, to be used by maintenance and contractors. I asked this guy to go away and make a list and price it up for me ( he's thinking €2000!) but I'm wondering how do others deal with this situation.

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Posted 23 October 2010 - 06:17 PM

Can you explain in a little more detail the context. Is the contractor employed by your company, what does he/she do, where and when and what are the risks and current control measures etc.

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Posted 29 October 2010 - 08:16 PM

In our High Care area, we have dedicated toolboxes which are not removed from HC. The toolboxes themselves are colour-coded and the individual tools are engraved to indicate that they are HC only (not really possible to colour code tools). Toolboxes are expected to be kept clean and tools themselves rust-free.

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Posted 01 November 2010 - 01:28 PM

Redchariot, please tell me about your toolboxes. I am currently sourcing toolboxes for our production areas and am not having much luck. I have sourced the foam inserts (dries easily, sanitizeable closed cell foam for 5S style tool layout), but can't find a toolbox I like.

Looking for a sanitizable toolbox, rust resistant, 3 drawers and a flip-up top. Different colors would be a plus, but we can work with all one color if need be.

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Posted 03 November 2010 - 04:28 PM

Dear All,

Wow! Two threads on toolboxes at the same time.

Must be a record. :biggrin:

( http://www.ifsqn.com...dpost__p__39164 )

Rgds / Charles.C

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Posted 10 November 2010 - 06:22 PM

Redchariot, please tell me about your toolboxes. I am currently sourcing toolboxes for our production areas and am not having much luck. I have sourced the foam inserts (dries easily, sanitizeable closed cell foam for 5S style tool layout), but can't find a toolbox I like.

Looking for a sanitizable toolbox, rust resistant, 3 drawers and a flip-up top. Different colors would be a plus, but we can work with all one color if need be.

I am not sure where we obtain toolboxes but we are also going down the 5S road and something we are looking at is shadow boards on a wall and removing toolboxes altogether; each tool has a designated place and it is easy to see if missing; I have already seen some examples and it does look very professional when done properly; auditors have no problem with this as long as you can show that conrol of tools is maintained

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Posted 24 January 2011 - 12:16 PM

I am not sure where we obtain toolboxes but we are also going down the 5S road and something we are looking at is shadow boards on a wall and removing toolboxes altogether; each tool has a designated place and it is easy to see if missing; I have already seen some examples and it does look very professional when done properly; auditors have no problem with this as long as you can show that conrol of tools is maintained

Hi Redchariot,

Thats a very good idea of having shadow boards. Do they have front lids/ which are lockabe, or is it that anyone can take the tool for their use. Is it possible to get a photograph of the board..or a sketch. That would be of great help. ( Is it possible to have a sketch shared in this forum ??)


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Posted 24 January 2011 - 01:49 PM

Good idea to have shadow boards. I specified tool boxes for our high care area only to be over-ruled (without being told) and painted(!) toolboxes were purchased! A shadow board neatly removes the issue of having non suitable materials in high care and encourages a tidy culture. Also tool boxes are great places (if you're an auditor) to find non factory pens, wood and general muck. Not so good if you're not the auditor!

However, people, especially engineers, are protective of "their kit" and don't like people touching their tools (no double entendre meant...) So, you bring in your nice shiny new shadow boards and then find in a couple of months that the engineers are carrying around small, fabric tool bags with tools brought in from home because they're fed up with things being missing from the shadow boards. Just something to watch out for!

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Posted 12 November 2016 - 05:02 AM

Are tools on shadow boards acceptable to be unsecured? Any BRC audits identified this a non conformance? BRC does not mention particular requirement in locking tools even on toolboxes and on shadowboards? Thanks to those who will reply.

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Posted 17 November 2016 - 11:18 AM

Hi Trubertq,


Toolboxes brought into high care/risk should be sanitised before entry.


Ideally a toolbox (inc. list of tools inside) should be captive to the high care/risk area. This can be made of tools that are regularly used. Any other tools required can be brought in separately. 

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P de Waal

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Posted 19 March 2017 - 11:30 AM

I do not know whether this thread is still alive ?

I have been a practical problem solver most of my technical working life in the food industry and do not see any real answers here to a world wide question.


If I understand the real base problem I am sure one can find a practical solution. A clean toolbox is a problem that has been solved. (For starters dish washer friendly !)

I can supply a write-up as to how and what one should look and ask for if that will help ? (The beginning of a standard that should become an industry standard) There are different levels of hygiene toolboxes depending on how high the level of hygiene expected. (General consumer items to baby food to medical. The materials, add-ons, and cleaning procedures can vary quite a bit.)


If you are worried about missing tools it is another matter altogether. A simple list that is checked on entry into the area and checked again going out will normally be sufficient. The closed cell foam keeps it neat and visible. Easy to check etc but is a potential hoarder of dirt in itself. It can also be washed in a dish washer. The shadow board does not really address any hygienic concerns in my mind, it only looks nice and makes a good impression.


My question is what is the issue you guys want to address ? I am sure there are practical answers to both.


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