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HACCP for pickles

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Posted 22 December 2010 - 01:02 AM

Hello everyone!

I'm a newbie in the food industry and would like to have some help in a HACCP plan for pickle papaya. So far, I've included the CCP for control of preservatives and pH as the 2 CCP points. Previously, my ex-colleague included a brix reading as one of the CCP. However, I have yet to find any standards or guidelines to support this CCP. Does anybody have any idea if there is a guideline on the minimum brix reading for pickles?

Besides that, is there a standard for the total yeast and mould count for pickles or other food products?

Thank you for your help!


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Posted 22 December 2010 - 01:15 AM

Which country are you from? Normally, the standard / guideline will be included with the country's statutory agency.

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Posted 22 December 2010 - 05:30 AM

Hello everyone!

I'm a newbie in the food industry


Hi Reyna


If you are new to the food industry then I would suggest that you get yourself on a HACCP training course.

Would be useful to hear a bit about your Papaya Pickling process.



Edited by Tony-C, 22 December 2010 - 05:49 AM.

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Posted 08 February 2011 - 01:21 AM

Sorry for the really late reply. My hands were full with other important stuff.

Now to answer the questions: I'm from Singapore. I did went through the standard/guideline of the country however the information were very limited.

Basically, our papaya pickling process is very simple and straight forward. The raw papaya are peeled, washed and shredded into thin long pieces. It is first pickled with salt for a period of 2 weeks. After that, it will be rinsed where it is furthered pickled with sugar. After 10 days, the sugar syrup will be drained and cooked. Acid is added to adjust the pH of the syrup (CCP1). Sodium benzoate is also added as a preservative (CCP2). Once the syrup is cooled, the pickles are added in and packed.

As I've mentioned, the addition of preservatives and control of pH are the CCP points that I have included in my HACCP plan. Is it still necessary to include brix reading as the CCP? If so, do you know any of guidelines that mention about the minimum brix reading for pickles?

Thank you in advance


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Posted 08 February 2011 - 05:55 AM


Did you check 21 CFR 150 - they gave the limit not less than 65% soluble solids (brix) to be considered.


Sorry for the really late reply. My hands were full with other important stuff.

Now to answer the questions: I'm from Singapore. I did went through the standard/guideline of the country however the information were very limited.

Basically, our papaya pickling process is very simple and straight forward. The raw papaya are peeled, washed and shredded into thin long pieces. It is first pickled with salt for a period of 2 weeks. After that, it will be rinsed where it is furthered pickled with sugar. After 10 days, the sugar syrup will be drained and cooked. Acid is added to adjust the pH of the syrup (CCP1). Sodium benzoate is also added as a preservative (CCP2). Once the syrup is cooled, the pickles are added in and packed.

As I've mentioned, the addition of preservatives and control of pH are the CCP points that I have included in my HACCP plan. Is it still necessary to include brix reading as the CCP? If so, do you know any of guidelines that mention about the minimum brix reading for pickles?

Thank you in advance


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Posted 02 March 2011 - 01:07 AM

Thank you very much. I've went through the article and discuss it with my supervisor. I reckon that it can be used and there shouldn't be much problem then. Once again, thanks so much for the information.


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Posted 02 March 2011 - 06:50 AM

Dear Anish,

Did you check 21 CFR 150 - they gave the limit not less than 65% soluble solids (brix) to be considered

I am curious only. I daresay it should be obvious even without Tony's training course but as a low-knowledge person of this product area, what is the validation of the significance of the brix level with respect to safety ? ie that a 65% minimum level ensures control of "what" ?


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Posted 06 March 2011 - 12:58 PM

Dear Anish,
I am curious only........., what is the validation of the significance of the brix level with respect to safety ? ie that a 65% minimum level ensures control of "what" ?


So am I. :smile:

It seems to be that you will be needing to validate based on your recipe and combination of factors: preservative, pH and brix.



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