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Validation and Verification of Claims on Packaging

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Posted 15 June 2011 - 04:43 AM

Hello Guys.......

Today I come with different query!!

Its about claims on the packaging/labelling!!

When we are claiming on the label about the product that is "gluten free", "100% natural"and " no added preservatives" and yes "GMO FREE",

1.how can we prove that the these claims are correct???
2.I s it mandatory that we should keep all the documents which prove that the claims are legible.??
3.Methodology of proving them(all 4)

Your comments on this much much appreciated....

Waiting for reply :helpplease:

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Posted 16 June 2011 - 11:17 PM

No help from anyone:(
Awwww .........:doh: I am sad::(

Hello Guys.......

Today I come with different query!!

Its about claims on the packaging/labelling!!

When we are claiming on the label about the product that is "gluten free", "100% natural"and " no added preservatives" and yes "GMO FREE",

1.how can we prove that the these claims are correct???
2.I s it mandatory that we should keep all the documents which prove that the claims are legible.??
3.Methodology of proving them(all 4)

Your comments on this much much appreciated....

Waiting for reply :helpplease:

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Posted 20 June 2011 - 09:34 AM

When we are claiming on the label about the product that is "gluten free", "100% natural"and " no added preservatives" and yes "GMO FREE",

1.how can we prove that the these claims are correct???
2.I s it mandatory that we should keep all the documents which prove that the claims are legible.??
3.Methodology of proving them(all 4)

I will give you my 2 cents worth:
1. As you have mentioned, these are claims and as such, they need to be validated scientifically and the records evidences of your product validation and process verification due diligence) are kept in place in case you may have customers / regulatory who may contest the validity of your claims.

Sometimes through no fault of your product formulation, your ingredients may already be tainted at supply source therefore, prior to validation, you probably have to verify the status of your supplly chain specific to their claims. (Its dangerous to extent product claims which require you to regularly conduct validations as well as keeping a tight supply chain management)

2. Its not mandatory by law but its mandatory record by virtue of most food safety standard requirements

3. You can refer to your local laboratory however the test methods should be accredited to ISO 17025.

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Charles Chew


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Posted 20 June 2011 - 12:39 PM

It would depend where you supply. I have to admit labelling isn't my core strength but I'm shocked at how limited we are in the EU. "100% natural" might be a difficult one in the EU for example.

I would say yes in keeping records of your suppliers details and specs. I would suggest some kind of testing for gluten will need to be done for verification, the others are more difficult to verify.

I think though first of all you need someone with much better labelling legislation knowledge than I do, this is because when you read the legislation you will then get a better idea on what you need and what you need to retain (to prevent legal action in the future.) Are you just supplying the Australian market?

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Posted 21 June 2011 - 01:32 AM

Thanks for your time.
Yes we do supply to astralian market.

Kind Regards,

It would depend where you supply. I have to admit labelling isn't my core strength but I'm shocked at how limited we are in the EU. "100% natural" might be a difficult one in the EU for example.

I would say yes in keeping records of your suppliers details and specs. I would suggest some kind of testing for gluten will need to be done for verification, the others are more difficult to verify.

I think though first of all you need someone with much better labelling legislation knowledge than I do, this is because when you read the legislation you will then get a better idea on what you need and what you need to retain (to prevent legal action in the future.) Are you just supplying the Australian market?

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Posted 21 June 2011 - 02:50 AM

Hello Guys.......

Its about claims on the packaging/labelling!!

When we are claiming on the label about the product that is "gluten free", "100% natural"and " no added preservatives" and yes "GMO FREE",

What product are you making the claim on?



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Posted 21 June 2011 - 03:23 AM

Product is :Natural stocks (chicken,vegetable,veal and ham)

What product are you making the claim on?



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Dr Ajay Shah

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Posted 22 June 2011 - 07:22 AM

Hi SS2010,

I agree with the comments from GMO. You will definitely need to test your product for gluten free and this is conducted by DTS Food Laboratories here in Australia in particular in Melbourne in Tullamarine.

Yes you need to keep all claims made by your supplier for legal and liability purposes.

When you say no added preservatives then this should be backed up with your records and documentaion.

If you are stating a product to be 100% natural then you should be able to prove it according to meeting the requirements of Australian Consumers Coimmision (ACCC).

The GMO one is a difficult one but you can only go by what your supplier has indicated for legal and liability purposes.

The Food Standards Australia New Zealand should assit you with your questions. Just check the standard and the requirements.


Edited by Dr Ajay Shah, 22 June 2011 - 07:34 AM.

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Posted 23 June 2011 - 12:06 AM

Thanks a lot .


What we have to prove when we are saying 100% natural?? Is it mandatory that all the raws specs from the supplier should stated that the product is 100 % natural?? and by that we can prove that product is 100 % natural.

If the recipe (all ingredient) shows that there is no artificial colour,flavour and any preservative than can we prove the claim that no added preservative??

I tried to find te details on FSANZ but unfortunately I cant find it.

Thnas once againquote name='Dr Ajay Shah' timestamp='1308727379' post='46744']
Hi SS2010,

I agree with the comments from GMO. You will definitely need to test your product for gluten free and this is conducted by DTS Food Laboratories here in Australia in particular in Melbourne in Tullamarine.

Yes you need to keep all claims made by your supplier for legal and liability purposes.

When you say no added preservatives then this should be backed up with your records and documentaion.

If you are stating a product to be 100% natural then you should be able to prove it according to meeting the requirements of Australian Consumers Coimmision (ACCC).

The GMO one is a difficult one but you can only go by what your supplier has indicated for legal and liability purposes.

The Food Standards Australia New Zealand should assit you with your questions. Just check the standard and the requirements.


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Posted 28 June 2011 - 10:49 PM

Hello Guys.......

Today I come with different query!!

Its about claims on the packaging/labelling!!

When we are claiming on the label about the product that is "gluten free", "100% natural"and " no added preservatives" and yes "GMO FREE",

1.how can we prove that the these claims are correct???
2.I s it mandatory that we should keep all the documents which prove that the claims are legible.??
3.Methodology of proving them(all 4)

Your comments on this much much appreciated....

Waiting for reply :helpplease:

Hi SS2010
Ive been offline so I missed this one...
Gluten free. This is easy. The standards are no gluten detected for a gluten free claim. You will need to test every batch to determine the presence of gluten using an approved test kit. (Aust levels are <5ppm). You will need to keep records of all testing and the results. If you are using the rapid test kit it will be Detected/not detected. If you are using an elisa micro well system you will need to keep the files from the plate reader and record the ppm of gluten detected. The biggest risk is cross contamination and hidden/undeclared allergens. Also if you test in house for your food safety program you will need to get external lab test results validations .

100% natural. You will need evidence from your ingredient supplier of the status of the ingredient. If any GM varieties of the ingredient exist you will need to have evidence that you are using a NON GM variety. If it is a plant based then DNA testing will validate, if you are using flavours etc it will need to be proven that the origin is a natural source.
One way of ensuring no GM is to use organic certified product as that is the only way I have found to be confident that the supply is natural (organic producers must have this evidence to maintain certification)

No added preservatives. Again most are salt based, so metal levels (Sodium Potassium etc) are a good indicator, as well as batch sheets, ingredient listings etc.

All records will unfortunatly in Australia, because of the time a litigant has to persue legal action, will really be required to be kept for 10 years. I know others will argue this is too long a time frame, but I suggest a look at food standards and trade practices act will confirm worst case senario is 10 years.


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Posted 22 February 2012 - 12:04 AM

'Free' claims should be used with caution: Claims need to verified with regular testing independent Lab results before Final Product released for sale, and there should be records of testing/C of A's done by suppliers on relevant ingredients for the same.

The requirements of the definition of 'X free' applied depends on the market the product is sold in:

For example, Gluten Free in Australia means 'Nil detected' - this means no detectable gluten by currrently acceptable methods which today requires product to be <5ppm gluten [its not acceptable to select a less sensitive method.....] , whereas Gluten Free in European markets is defined as <20ppm.


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 12:05 PM

Hi SS2010,

I agree with the comments from GMO. You will definitely need to test your product for gluten free and this is conducted by DTS Food Laboratories here in Australia in particular in Melbourne in Tullamarine.

Yes you need to keep all claims made by your supplier for legal and liability purposes.

When you say no added preservatives then this should be backed up with your records and documentaion.

If you are stating a product to be 100% natural then you should be able to prove it according to meeting the requirements of Australian Consumers Coimmision (ACCC).

The GMO one is a difficult one but you can only go by what your supplier has indicated for legal and liability purposes.

The Food Standards Australia New Zealand should assit you with your questions. Just check the standard and the requirements.


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Posted 25 March 2012 - 12:15 PM

yes, i am also agrre with forum what said on lable claims.
actual there must be scientific documentary evidence is require for any food lable claim.
wheather it is GMO free or Glutan free.

there are ISO 17025 certified laborary where you can send pack food sample with detail and just ask then to give testing compabiltiy and quote.
generally their analytical test methods are latest and validated so their test certificate once can keep as proof and clain accross the globe any where.

hope this will helpful.


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Posted 10 May 2012 - 07:15 AM

Helloo are you a same solanki bhai who was at acOCO-COLA ??/

yes, i am also agrre with forum what said on lable claims.
actual there must be scientific documentary evidence is require for any food lable claim.
wheather it is GMO free or Glutan free.

there are ISO 17025 certified laborary where you can send pack food sample with detail and just ask then to give testing compabiltiy and quote.
generally their analytical test methods are latest and validated so their test certificate once can keep as proof and clain accross the globe any where.

hope this will helpful.


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