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Best quality system without spending money!

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Posted 30 June 2011 - 01:01 AM

Dear Friend,

Does any one know from the experience that how can we run smoothly without spending money!!

Where I am saying without spending money means no pest control service, no micro testing includes water and environment, not time for training to staff , no records from cleaning contractor......

Please give me ur suggestion how do you run the system when this is the situation....


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Posted 30 June 2011 - 08:25 AM

I was in the same situation as you. The way i solved it was to demand a certain percentage of the reduced waste as working budget. For example, we had lots of problems with routes and extra kilometers driven. I was able to reduce this by 90% ( around 1000€ / week). THis gave me an additional budget of 500€ / week to do tackle the problems and requirements that need some budget.

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Posted 03 July 2011 - 04:03 AM

Dear Friend,

Does any one know from the experience that how can we run smoothly without spending money!!

Where I am saying without spending money means no pest control service, no micro testing includes water and environment, not time for training to staff , no records from cleaning contractor......

Please give me ur suggestion how do you run the system when this is the situation....


Sounds serious and probably a candidate business for closure.

What products are we talking about?



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Posted 03 July 2011 - 08:24 PM

Sounds serious and probably a candidate business for closure.

What products are we talking about?



Agreed. This is pushing water up hill. You could try using all money the above processes would save but it might be less painful to blow the whistle. It's an extreme route though; it could close the company or give them the kick up the butt to change.

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Posted 05 July 2011 - 06:48 AM

There is no point in saving money for the sake of jepaordising food safety. You might as well close shop.

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Dr Ajay Shah.,
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Jason H.Z.C.

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Posted 07 July 2011 - 07:28 AM

Sounds serious and probably a candidate business for closure.

What products are we talking about?



My :doh: Answer: Non-Food Product :doh:

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Posted 07 July 2011 - 01:09 PM

Dear friend,

You can do without any expense can run your production.

You yourself can do pest control.

You enroll your staff in food forum and they can get training from this forum.

You can clean you plant youself no need to keep any contract. You can maintained these record individually without any expense.

D. N. Parikh

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Posted 07 July 2011 - 04:49 PM


This is obviously an untenable situation. It takes money to do all but very minimal programs (read risky, as a lack of expertise in multiple disiplines could result in more harm than good). Even doing it learning and then doing it yourself/internally will require man hours or dedicated staff which equates to money spent

Other suggestions i.e. "blow the whistle" "close the business" are hard to make and it sounds to me as though you really want to effect change in your company.

I think the first question to ask is why you don't have any money? Is this a "owner doesn't think its necessary" thing? or "not in the budget" or what? The reason I ask this is because the answer to that question will direct your efforts at procurment of funds for food safety.

If the owner doesn't think it neccessary your response should be tactifully demonstrating to him similar businesses impacted by non-compliance. In the U.S. the FDA puts out a weekly sumarry of all food recalls, this tool has been effective in convincing the owners i work for to "invest" in food safety, as they have watched competitors or like comoditiy fiscally impacted by food safety/recall issues.

Not in the budget presents a different problem, because it means loss of profit if funds are diverted to food safety or, worse, scaling back operations to be in a position to apply those funds to food safety.

You get the idea the reason for the lack of funds will help point you in a direction to try to procure those funds. Because realistically speaking, it is almost impossible to operate a food plant safely without expenditure on the programs necessary keep your product safe. Your efforts would be better spent (or at least divided into) trying to get those who control the finaces at your company to see the necessity of the expenditure that are requried.

Without that you, as the person responsible for the safety of the foods, have to make a tough call: turn in your employer or knowingly manufacture unsafe food.

I wish I/we had better answers for you.


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Posted 07 July 2011 - 08:11 PM

Without knowing anything about the scope and scale of your operation I can only suggest that you put together a case whereby you propose to the owner/financial backer that when properly implemented, the cost of constructing an effective quality system is offset by reducing off-quality product (scrap, work off, potential recall, loss of customers, potential legal action, etc.).

The goal of any viable company is obviously profit, but to protect any investments in a company another goal must include continuous improvement. It's a rare company in these times that can survive long term without it. So my humble advice to you is to study up on cost of quality vs. cost of non-quality and continuous improvement concepts, put together a good strong case and have a face to face with the person in charge at you company.

Good luck,

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