I am a QA for an egg processing plant. I have my SQF code sections broken down into monthly, quarterly and yearly internal audits, depending on the risk and past history of compliance. I conduct the internal audits myself and one auditor did not like that fact, but it's hard to find someone from another department with the knowledge to conduct the audit and the code says "if possible". I think that you will find conducting the audit more than monthly will be overwhelming and probably not necessary. That doesn't mean you can't walk through the processing plant and make observations and chat with folks and give the supervisor feedback on what you're seeing. Write your internal audit to the code and you will have it broken down into sections of your plant.
Hope this helps
Hello, we are newly certified SQF and until now have had internal audits done by an outside company. I have spread out the code over a year so that several points are done a month so that the entire code is completed once a year. It has been discussed by management that to do a more in depth and effective audit we should;d spread it out over a three year period. I routinely audit our
HACCP plans but this cannot be included as I am the practitioner and cannot audit my own procedures and plans under SQF. As an experienced SQF practitioner do you think auditors will go for this if it is based on risk and history. We would do the
HACCP plans annually as it is basic to food safety but things that do not change much such as management policy, management responsibility and section 4.2 could be done only once every 2 years. It doesn't say that it must be done in entirety within one year just that it must be done in entirety .
any advice would be useful