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Are food colourings food additives under new FSEP requirements

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    Grade - MIFSQN

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Posted 09 August 2012 - 03:26 PM

In trying to update our prerequisite programs in relation to the new FSEP requirements I have come across a dilemma. the food safety enhancement program states
G.1.2 Food Additives and Nutrients


  • The use of food additives listed in the tables in Part B, Division 16 of the Food and Drug Regulations for which a maximum level of use is identified.

Where applicable, procedures associated with Formulation and Addition of food additives and nutrients are developed and implemented to ensure that the concentrations remain within the allowable parameters specified in the Food & Drug Regulations. This must include a minimum of:

  • the name of the food additive or nutrient;
  • the food product in or upon which the food additive or nutrient is added;
  • the standards to be met (limit of acceptability);
  • the names or titles of personnel responsible for particular tasks at the formulation and food additives or nutrients addition steps;
  • the methods or instructions for the task(s) to be performed;
  • the frequency of the task(s) to be performed;
  • the corrective actions to be taken when the standards are not met;
  • the operational records to be kept.
so basically I am trying to make sure that I list all my additives and put their maximum allowable values and state procedures where this is controlled and monitored. The problem is that it basically says that additives are listed in part B section 16 of the food and drug regulations. So if my food colourings are food additives like it says in the Food & drug reg. why are they listed in section 6. If i use their decision tree in their policy for differentiating between food additives and processing aids it is a food additive. Its not clear and the language used even less so. Anyone have any suggestions or advice

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Posted 12 September 2012 - 12:08 PM

hi Katja
can you rephrase the Q so i can understand it better...
section 6 is the "standard of identity" for what the colour can be composed of.. and the additives part is how and where you can use it... Is that what you are asking?

Edited by vulindlela, 12 September 2012 - 12:11 PM.

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