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Scallop specification sheet & shelf life

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Posted 21 September 2012 - 02:39 PM

I'm trying to write a spec/data sheet for fresh/chilled King Scallop meat specifically for UK & French markets, but I'm struggling with the MB & shelf life aspects. Part of the problem is variable MB requirements for different countries, e.g. the Codex Hygienic Practice for Molluscan Shellfish says there are no APC criteria in France, Italy, Holland or UK; France requires absence of e. coli in 1ml macerated sample while UK operates <2 e. coli in 1ml; France requires non-detection of salmonella but not even a mention for UK. Biotoxin control seems clear enough, but even that varies across nations.

I made a general forum search for 'scallops' & only found the FDA/EPA Safety Levels for USA, and I've also checked the Spec Management & Food Microbiology Forums separately.

As for shelf life, how do I check that other than by sensory evaluation when there is no APC requirement? Internet sources range from 2-3 days up to 12 days & I ignored one that suggested 20 days, which seemed unfeasibly long.

I would be grateful for any help on this one & if anybody has a sample spec they can share that would be wonderful. I found a Chilean spec for frozen scallop meat online but it doesn't really fit.



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Posted 21 September 2012 - 09:28 PM

Dear gtjs,

I hv some experience with scallop meat but not the fresh chilled presentation or in UK. Is this RTE ?

IMEX, France has microbiological specifications for just about any seafood commodity you can mention.An encyclopaedical regulatory document in French exists which semi-generically divides food imports into a multitude of sub-categories and includes any relevant micro.regulations but I don't remember if it includes chilled items. The most reliable quantitative info. source is often from the buyer's end since they will typically hv their own experience and (appropriate) specifications. I appreciate that EC regulations may be involved but these may also be superceded by national formats.

Even in the absence of regulations, my usual procedure is to include typical [ie realistic) values of the usual micro. parameters, for self-protection if nothing else. :smile:

I hv also previously encountered some rather unusual requirements for France with respect to moisture / protein characteristics but again this was for frozen raw Scallop meat. I believe these requirements effectively "limited" imports to a rather select range of sources, eg UK.

A specific draft standard for raw Scallop adductor meat was moving through Codex in 2010 but no idea if finalised yet, eg Attached File  Codex scallop meat - fp30_10e.pdf   131.64KB   55 downloads

I think there are a few UK people on this forum involved with chilled molluscan items so some further specific info. may hopefully appear.

Rgds / Charles.C

PS - from memory there are even more detailed scallop sensory standards published within "US federal standards" but I think not containing any micro. limits

Kind Regards,



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Posted 24 September 2012 - 07:13 AM

Dear gtjs,

I hv some experience with scallop meat but not the fresh chilled presentation or in UK. Is this RTE ?

IMEX, France has microbiological specifications for just about any seafood commodity you can mention.An encyclopaedical regulatory document in French exists which semi-generically divides food imports into a multitude of sub-categories and includes any relevant micro.regulations but I don't remember if it includes chilled items. The most reliable quantitative info. source is often from the buyer's end since they will typically hv their own experience and (appropriate) specifications. I appreciate that EC regulations may be involved but these may also be superceded by national formats.

Even in the absence of regulations, my usual procedure is to include typical [ie realistic) values of the usual micro. parameters, for self-protection if nothing else. :smile:

I hv also previously encountered some rather unusual requirements for France with respect to moisture / protein characteristics but again this was for frozen raw Scallop meat. I believe these requirements effectively "limited" imports to a rather select range of sources, eg UK.

A specific draft standard for raw Scallop adductor meat was moving through Codex in 2010 but no idea if finalised yet, eg Attached File  Codex scallop meat - fp30_10e.pdf   131.64KB   55 downloads

I think there are a few UK people on this forum involved with chilled molluscan items so some further specific info. may hopefully appear.

Rgds / Charles.C

PS - from memory there are even more detailed scallop sensory standards published within "US federal standards" but I think not containing any micro. limits

Thanks for the input Charles & much appreciated!

This isn't RTE & would be cooked before consumption, and absolutely correct, there is a 5:1 moisture/protein requirement in France.


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