We don't have a current floor drain cleaning procedure. We currently only produce Secondary Packaging for Food & Beverage products, with the intention of producing Primary Packaging (Direct Food Contact) in the future. I'm currently developing PRP's for our HACCP Program. My biggest questions are which methods for drain cleaning are the most effective? Chemical vs machine. I can look further into the cost aspect of it. Also frequency? We don't produce food in our plant, so what is a reasonable frequency for drain cleaning? Thanks!
One facility's most effective may be another facility's least effective. Consider the soils in the drain, the design, condition, and the hazards. A given soil may require a certain type of cleaner, at a certain concentration level, at a certain temperature along with mechanical action (e.g., scrubbing). A different soil might change all those variables. Always keep in mind the four major components of cleaning/sanitizing/disinfecting: Time, Temperature, Mechanical Action, and Chemistry.
So for example, if I recall correctly, I was in a facility where the drain cleaning included:
-removing drain cover (to be cleaned, of course with outlined procedures)
-removing debris basket (same)
-use brush to remove/break loose gross debris
-apply a foaming chlorinated alkaline cleaner at 120-160°F (we had a temp guage)
-allow foaming cleaner to dwell 7-15 minutes
-use brush to scrub inside of drain
-rinse with cold [potable] water
-apply disinfectant-strength quaternary ammonium to all surfaces, including drain cover and debris basket- can't remember, I think it was around 800ppm