I want to discuss about the microbiological anaysis on foodsector.
We are flexible convering firm and we've ISO22000, BRC/IOP, hygiene implementation and GMP ect.... so we've to make microbiological anaysis...
At the begining our quality departman create lots of documents and analysis...and i can't do microbiological analysis everytime what they create microbiological plan...
for example :
-we make water analysis ( we are making this analysis 4 times in one month... we are sending external lab. for water analyses per 6 months..and we dont use water in the production area?... is it really necessary to do this?)
-we make swab personel analysis every week on lots of people who is not having risk for contamination... we have lots of departmans..can we do this for this swabs; can we make this swab analysis on just risks personel per 6 months? what s the criterie?
-We are making micro analysis on machines... but we dont use any water or food in our production. so is it really necessary?
-We are making micro analysis on air and ambient... is it really necessary ? we are using solvents in our production??... i guess microorganisms cant live....
-we are making micro analysis on final products every day, we are producing too many final products over 100 every day... is it really necessary to make analysis on final products? can we send external lab once a year to do this?
so i know hygiene is hygiene.... i dont think that there is a high microbiological risk on foodpackaging sector....
how can i organize this documents? who can guide to me?
thank you very very much for your replies...
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