I am working with my contract manufacturer to developed their CCP point.
Theirs line are equipped with X-ray inspector after the product are packed into the primary packaging for foreign material detection.
Although their line are fixed with the x-ray inspector, the inspector was not their ccp. They reason given is they afraid if the x-ray inspector broke down,their don't have spare or expert to repair the inspector and will cause the line can't run the production.
My question is
1.is the inspector must be a ccp? They line was installed with siever and metal detector before cooking, I assume the likelihood of the presence of FM will be very low.
2.can the production continue if the x-ray inspector broke down? My proposal to them is put it as ccp, if it broke down, they can still run the production, but do more intensive sampling on FM inspection.Is this practice allowed?
Thanks you for your advice.
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