I would like to share with members a Specification / Batching control workbook I have used with great effect with many food companies over the years. It is a working template which allows food businesses specify the product(s) being manufactured in a form that is used by operational personnel to ensure all requirements of the product, batch, packing etc are met. The tool is in the form of an excel document and as you will see has 3 working tabs as follows:
1. Product Specification - in this tab the product is specified in a form easily used in the production environment
2. Batch Record - This second tab can be linked to the ingredients list in the first workbook to ensure batching remains accurate. It can then be used as your batching record. I have removed the formulas but you will be able to put them in to meet your own needs.
3. Packing Specification - the final tab allows you to clearly spec out the packing requirements of the product
Modify, change and add to the document to meet your local needs. This template is ideal for food businesses who need a well structured tool to translate detailed product specification into a working tool to aid control on the production floor. For example it can be issued to production personnel by the QA department in the form of a Job Card etc.
I hope you find it as invaluable as I have over the years.