Dear Mariah,
This is distantly related to another recent thread here which contained a little discussion on – "What is the definition of a HACCP Plan" ?
Some people consider it (HACCP Plan) only applies to the last few (result) pages after the hazard analysis which (typically) tabulate the evaluated CCPs and how the designated control measures at them are maintained, eg the critical limits, how where, when, who etc, activities, the corrective actions, ++. On this basis zero CCPs implies no data to show and therefore no Plan. I believe this was in fact a favorite loophole in the early days of meat haccp in USA, rapidly closed by regulatory requirements.
On the other hand, if you consider the documented implementation of the whole, eg Codex-type, system which ultimately generates the 0,1,2 etc CCPs represents the “HACCP Plan” then the opposite conclusion is reached.
So how do SQF define their (HACCP) Quality Plan ? Undefined perhaps?? (added later - see "PS" below)
Personally it seems illogical to me that one could have a documented Hazard Analysis / determination of CCPs without a HACCP Plan, albeit a not-yet complete one.
Rgds / Charles.C
PS - BRC6 only provide a glossary definition of HACCP.
their earlier intro gives - "An HACCP plan. This provides a focus on the significant product and process food safety hazards that require specific control to assure the safety of individual food products or lines as detailed in Section II,Part 2."
Hmmmm, looks more like the narrow version IMO. I am surprised and disappointed
From glossary SQF 7 -
HACCP Method The implementation of pre-requisite programs and the application of HACCP principles in the logical sequence of the twelve steps as described in the current edition of the CODEX Alimentarius Commission Guidelines, or the current edition of the HACCP guidelines developed and managed by the NACMCF. The SQF Code utilizes the HACCP method to control food safety hazards and other quality threats in the segment of the food chain under consideration.
HACCP Plan A document prepared in accordance with the HACCP method to ensure control of hazards
which are significant for food safety in the segment of the food chain under consideration.
Food Quality Plan As described in level 3 of the relevant SQF Code. It shall be based on the HACCP method, include process controls at quality points in production to monitor product quality, identify
deviations from control parameters and define corrections necessary to keep the process under control.
The SQF defs. look pretty clear to me. IMO, SQF trumps BRC.