To top it all, the last request was to enclose copies of the BRC and ISO certificates - does this mean that they are worthless in themselves?
Maybe as the two certifications are broadening to cover an ever-expanding range of industries and services, they are losing some of their kudos? 
Mike, it's insanity borne out of paranoia, monumental ignorance and cataclysmic intransigence. Obviously, these people are unable to comprehend the benefits of a mutually beneficial customer supplier partnership. Total codswallop (I like that word) and it takes due diligence way too far.
Incidentally, I heard the other day of a company who have ISO 9001, The BRC/IoP Packaging Standard and The American Institute of Baking AIB: Consolidated Standards for Food Contact Packaging Manufacturing Facilities. They have to maintain AIB because it is a requirement of one of their major customers - a UK blue chip. The same customer told them that they must comply with the new US Bioterrorism Act. Although patently untrue it was unfortunately too late to save the poor packaging company who had already engaged fully with their Emergency Preparedness Plan and had changed all of their locks, installed CCTV and purchased a couple of rottweilers.
Do these people not realise that by piling this C~#p on us they are over burdening a resource that would be much better deployed improving the business in practice and not just in theory. They may even get to feel some of the benefit.
With regard to your quote above Mike - I really hope not. I believe that it's all about increasing awareness and understanding of The BRC/IoP Packaging Standard within the food industry. Top of the responsibility list are the UK Retailers who must drum into their suppliers of branded food products exactly what is required of their packaging suppliers. E.g., The BRC/IoP Packaging Standard - period.
Secondly, The BRC should do much more to promote the standard; I mean it took them almost two years to get any information about the standard on their web site. Doh!
Finally, we (the packaging industry) have a responsibility and we really do have to take some positive action to increase awareness of The BRC/IoP Packaging Standard if we want things to change. I'm trying to do my bit and a while ago, we set up a page for companies who have achieved the standard, the idea being that this list or database would be promoted to the food industry in order to raise both awareness of the standard and the profile of registered companies. As you can see, the page is sparsely populated but I have not given up on it completely. I sent all the BRC/IoP Certification Bodies an email asking them to let their registered companies (customers) know about the resource but judging by the lack of response I cannot believe that they did.
http://www.saferpak....d_companies.htmAnyway, if your company is registered to the BRC/IOP Packaging Standard the invitation is still open and you are welcome to send us your details.
Anyone got ideas on how we can promote the standard further?